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Everything posted by Liberty1776

  1. Finally figured out how to post pics after compressing em. I have a diy co2 using a powerhead and spongefilter. Has two 2liter bottles, 16oz filter and a diy bubble counter. Hob filter is for 30gal, and the lights are two t8s aqueon plant bulbs. They are barely doing the job. Am also using a co2 drop checker. Have had different plants in here and turned into a growout tank for a bit until i started filling it with buce plants. Heres some pics, btw the dirt and gravel are both an inch deep. Dosing dry ferts EI method, and the weekly water changes are necessary using this method, but it isnt so bad as the tank is right above the kitchen sink on the bar countertop. The little "tree" looking plant in the middle is a java fern leaf with 6 growing java babies still attached to it, have since took them off and put in the new cycling 10gal for carbon rili line i will be working on.
  2. Awesome tank!!! Big fan of the wall like the rest . Are you using ferts yet? How deep is ur dirt and gravel? You got some great growth in that short time, I experienced the same fast growth in the first few months of my 20tall planted. Loved it, but made some plants grow too fast. For example, had some anacharis growing in it with almost an inch section between the leaves. Are you gonna put any shrimp in? Heres a pic of my 20tall first dirted tank. Its about 7 months old right now. The pic was taken about 3 months in. I used to dose with dry ferts using the EI method until I turned it into a buce tank. With only T8 bulbs x2 for the light, I am restricted to what I can plant in this one. Low to Med plants do well in it. Its not aquascaped much, more organized than anything as I tried to keep species together and this is the first dirted and planted tank I have done. I learned a lot from it, and moved up to a 29gal Marineland that I got from a barter trading some skateboard trucks and 200 rds of some 22lr ammo I dont use anymore. Will have to take sime pics of that one, its still clouding up on me but is looking good. I think the substrate isnt heavy enough on the dirt, not sure but pretty sure. I got flora max in the 29 and Topfin petsmart gravel in the other and didnt have that problem. Anyhow, I got 2 dirted tanks and as soon as I can afford some led's Ill be back on the 29 to start scaping. Once again good looking dirted tank!
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome and comments. See you shrimpers in the forum!
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome and comments. See you shrimpers in the forum!
  5. Hello everybody, I am relatively new to both shrimpin and online forums, mostly acronyms and lingo really. Anyhow, its nice to join this community as I have read a lot of topics/posts so far and theres a lot of good people in here and thats awesome. I look forward to getting better aqcuainted as this shrimp expedition goes underway =) Im married, have 2 kids and 5 tanks. Im here in the US, in Austin, Tx. Kids are at 2 and 5, tanks are two 10s, 20 hex, 20tall, and a 29gal. The two 10s are fairly new, one is still cycling and the other is my first shrimp only tank with 6 Carbon Rili's, and a wall of java moss I made out of little tomato baskets and fishing line, so far so good on that one. The rest I dont have any shrimp in but that may change if this new addiction gets any more severe =P. So im Mr Mom during the day and I deliver pizzas at night and I love it. Thirty three year old combat vet whos against the war and happy to be in one piece. Most people call me a conspiracy theorist, I love the infowars. Thats my intro in a nutshell. Its nice to meet you all, and I look forward to participating in this community and contributing where I can. Mostly how to be a thrifty aquarist and pinching that almighty penny. Thanks for having me here and see you around!
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