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WTB Crystal Whites

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I had some and they were very expensive. I got them to breed but the babies never grew up. If there is a source I don't mind trying it again.


It's said these are a result of Fx of TT x CRS, maybe that explains why they can be hard to breed. Anyway, I'll tag alone to get some after you ;-)

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"It's said these are a result of Fx of TT x CRS"

That is a new one to me. Always good to have new info. Thanks.

I didn't know that until a well known breeder said so in the other forum. It is not my credit.

That said, I am getting some crystal White From a famous breeder in Europe to try my luck again. Hope they will do better this time.

My previous experience is that they would get berried, babies hatched, but never grew to full size before they'd disappear. Wish me luck this time.

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You have the skill, so I wish you all the luck you need.

Thank you Sir !

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They never sold very well so that's why they aren't easy to find. Most people think they look like snowball but they really don't. Here is a pic From when I had them.


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I'd be willing to pay more than that for a CWS right now.

I really love how they look. And I'm sure you can get interesting result crossing them with other shrimps.

CWS, Skeletons... don't forget blue jelly too, that's not available either.

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I have gotten blue Jellies, they just dont keep color well.  and unless you breed Blue J with Blue J your chance of getting more with that color are super slim to none.

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Man. You guys are killing me here -.-


I have to, I don't want to be the only one killed ;-)

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