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For myself, I find the breeding trinity is a bit of a challenge- but I tend to get a little crazy, as well as trying to create the occasional new strain. 


By far, the easiest way to selectively breed with as little time/space/money as possible is to wait until your tank has around 100 shrimp or so, and then cull down to 10-20 of the best.  Then repeat again and again.


Takes a little longer, but much more enjoyable for the average person- and if you are working with an already established strain, you should get some killer colored shrimp between 1-3 yrs.  A relaxing road to take for a specific goal. :)


The Malawa would take longer because no color strain exists yet (to my knowledge.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated again. This will take most of the year probably. Never know what comes up.


(Future Ideas with Tanks)

Tanks on Wall 01:


1960's Stereo:
7.5g - Selective Breeding with Neos/Malawas

18g - Neo/Malawa culls
2g - Snails


11.4g - For Pumpkin Neos & Malawa (Brown)

Tanks on Wall 02
11.4g - For Yellow Neos & Malawa (Blue)

11.4g - For Red Cherry Neos & Malawa (Clear/Crystal)

Tanks on Wall 03
11.4g - For Snowball Neos & Malawa (Stripes)
11.4g - For Blue Neo (no idea which Neo) & some other shrimp

Living Room:
17.1g - Fish w/ the Mystery Snails


In red, I don't have yet.

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By far, the easiest way to selectively breed with as little time/space/money as possible is to wait until your tank has around 100 shrimp or so, and then cull down to 10-20 of the best.  Then repeat again and again.


Takes a little longer, but much more enjoyable for the average person- and if you are working with an already established strain, you should get some killer colored shrimp between 1-3 yrs.  A relaxing road to take for a specific goal. :)


The Malawa would take longer because no color strain exists yet (to my knowledge.)


I see several Dark Browns, Blue/Green, and Stripes. A lot of dull Brown and Clears. A few Reds and Crystals.


Probably going to add the Dark Browns and dull Browns together, Clear and Crystals together. Blue/Greens together. Not sure on the Reds yet since I don't see many. Sound like a good plan?


Since I keep reading that Malawa can change color, it looks like it's going to be hard.

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I'm posting some photos of my late Yellow Neo female. She died last week from I believe was old age.


She was my fave big girl and she was from my first batch of Yellow Neos I got last year in April. She was over an inch and never berried. She seemed just to chill most of the time near the filter outflow on the Prefilter or nearby plant. I guess I noticed her more since I don't have many Yellows in the tank and for awhile the only female.










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Gorgeous shrimp GreenBliss! Sorry to hear of the loss of your fancy yellow lady. You sound like me, making lists for future tanks and upgrades! I look forward to seeing your progress :)


Thanks ShortGirl,


I'm always thinking on what to do or how to do it better/fix something.

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Sounds like a plan on the Malawas.  I did the dark browns for a while before other projects took over.  Now a good majority of my Malawa are either dark brown or carry the brown traits.  If you can get blue/gray going there's a lot of interest in that.


I do see a lot Brown colors so maybe they might be the easiest?


I do love the Blue/Gray ones I have and hope to get more.

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It's hard to get good photos with shrimp. Always moving and with my camera gets out of focus easily. I think I got good shots and then I upload to my computer, I see a lot of bad ones. Trying to get better.


Got new photos of the Red Cherries and Malawas. I have different colors of Red Cherries. Some light, medium, and dark. Some of them have a dark color abdomen than their heads. Is that normal for some Cherries?


Dark color abdomen:













Other Cherries:











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The Malawas. Hard to get photos of in the 18g. They seem to stay in the back of tank. on the walls, and on plants/driftwood  Places where I can't get good photos it seems.


Here are some of the best I could get.


Crystals: They are brighter than most Malawas I have so I call them Crystals. Some may call them Clear. Whatever, lol.





^ Now here is that one between two other Malawas. Very noticeable in the tank.



^ Here it is again near Cherries.



^ Blur photo, but you can see the difference.



^ Badly blurred, but can see the color.



^ Here is the same shrimp in the above photo. Not great photo, but can see it's clear color. That's super glue gel. Newbie mistake x100! :rolleyes:



^ Another Crystal/Clear


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Malawa Browns:



^ Light Brown. Got a lot of these.



^ Dark Brown in the middle. Have too little of these. Saw two of them during feeding time.







^ Next to Light Brown





^ On the horrible super glue gel.



^ Light Blue. Very pretty shrimp. Camera battery died so I couldn't get more. Love the color.




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Malawas, random colors.









^ Staring down a Cherry!



^ One of my faves. Don't know if I would consider it light brown, but it reminds me of Tiger shrimp. I love the specks.



^ Second fave. Love the colors. Reminds me of Tigers. Love specks



^ This Malawa stayed their awhile enjoying the current from the filter.


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Nice pics of the Malawas.  Right now, besides wild cherries, they are the most diverse naturally colored shrimp I know.  I'm so surprised that people haven't tried selecting for color, I even add it to my description.  I really think these shrimp would be great for breeding out traits.  They are incredibly adaptable to almost any water conditions, and breed even more readily than my cherries.


Hmmm...maybe I will try again someday...

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I don't know why people haven't either. It's really surprising to me. They are very adaptable, easy to care for, and are always berried. Never had a problem with them. Very fun to have. Sad they aren't popular because they aren't "pretty".


If I never get anywhere with the selective breeding, I'm still going to enjoy them.

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Kinda wacky when you think about it, isn't it? Don't most people like to have their shrimp easy to care for and berried?  ALmost a no brainer.


Unfortunately, I think many people who get into shrimp have the attitude, if the shrimp are not high priced, then they are not worth having as pets.  Kind of a status symbol I think.  It's a shame really.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New Plan as of (02-17-14)


Future Ideas with Tanks: Have only 10 tanks!

Tanks on 1960's Stereo:
18g - Neo/Malawa culls
7.5g - Selective Breeding/Mysteries
2g - Snails


Tank near Stereo:
3.2g - Being Replaced with 7g or 8.6g, Shrimp/Selective Breeding, unknown

Tanks on Right Side of Wall:
11.4g - For Pumpkin Neos & Malawa Brown (new home)
11.4g - For Yellow Neos & Malawa Blue (new home)

11.4g - For Red Cherries & Malawa Clear (new home)

Tanks on Left Side of Wall:
11.4g - For Snowball Neos & Malawa
11.4g - For Blue Neo (no idea which Neo)

17g or 11.4g - For Unknown Shrimp/Culls, don't know


This is the plan for now. My bedroom/room where I live is being turned into the shrimp room and I'm moving all my stuff into the living room.


Lost another Mystery Snail so I decided never to have them again. Keeping the Mysteries in the 7.5g until they pass. Love these guys, but can't stand it no more.


May keep the MTS out of shrimp tanks. Don't know.


I'm replacing the 3.2g with either a 7g tank or 8.6g tank. The 3.2g is just not stable enough for me and I hate that I have to top off a lot with this tank. The new tank will be for shrimp something, lol.


Decided to not have fish. I like shrimp more. I may get a 17g for keeping Neos and Malawa separate cull tanks. I do like this idea.

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