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So along the lines of the fish forums suggestions, anyone know of any decent frog ones?

I nixed Dendroboard because they only really care about darts, and I'm about to drop Frog Forum. I'm starting to think that the amphibian hobbyist isn't up to my standards of good behavior.

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I've got one pacman juvenile. I haven't had him/her very long, so I feel like I need the info, but no one seems to understand medicine and strangely, most people have no problem with irresponsible levels of care.

I'd love to have more, actually, frogs are just fascinating. Just don't have room :(

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Chibikaie ,

                        The reason that you feel that perhaps the amphibian hobby isn't up to your standards of good behavior is that unlike shrimp hobby , lots of kids are drawn to amphibians and thus not all get the enclosure, care they should be getting.

   Having said that some are also outstanding keepers ,


 I used to keep king and milk snakes, now only have 1 elderly snake but had some for think over 15 years till they passed from old age . The reptile and amphibian hobby has its share of people who keep herps in not the best conditions .


 I remember when the albino pacmans first came out , they were several thousand dollars .  The normal types were all imported and thus not that pricey.



About 30 years ago I kept Malaysian toads and good thing I had 2 females and no males because at the time I had no idea how loud the males were .

 I kept the females in a 20 gallon long with soil bottom (they would bury 3/4) of their body . VERY messy as big eaters and I would change the soil weekly , best soil in the world for plants .




             Did you ever get bit ?   They seem like they could deliver a bite.

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Did you have a hard time feeding him? I know you said you had to hand feed; was he picky about what he ate as well?


Mine is more or less tong trained (I have long metal tongs with rubber covers on the tips), but the only thing he takes readily is the ZooMed commercial pacman food.


Stuff he has eaten once and then refused: mealworms, superworms, dubia roaches, waxworms, phoenix worms/black soldier fly larvae. I know that all of those items are occasional treats other than the roaches and phoenix worms, but we are seriously talking once or twice and NEVER AGAIN. You would not believe the amount of time I've spent cheering when he's eaten something twice, then set up a feeder culture, forgot about it, replaced the feeders and reset the culture, only to discover that NOW he wants nothing to do with them!


He'll sometimes take nightcrawlers and sometimes refuse them. He's gotten incredibly picky and doesn't even like to eat crickets. All he wants is his little round ball of dough! I'm not sure how nutritionally complete it really is, so I've been mixing a tiny amount of Repashy Calcium Plus into it on a weekly basis. The Repashy dust is also the only dust he'll tolerate - he seems OK with liquid, but I wasn't comfortable using that as the sole source as the calcium spray lacks D3.


Current weight is 84 grams and he is being treated for strongyle worms. Would a parasite infestation negatively affect appetite? In my experience, it usually goes the other way - they're extremely hungry yet don't gain any weight. I don't normally see adverse effects of gastrointestinal parasites until the burden is so heavy that everything is going downhill rapidly (which is why I'm so vocal about checking for parasites and getting them under control *before* the animal is that sick).


I'm planning on trying a few more things, including fresh phoenix worms (I think I got a bad batch the first time, as the remainder were dead within six days). But I'm starting to think that the only way to vary his diet is to tuck things into dough balls.


So ... uh ... I hope you don't mind! But you said I could ask, so I did!!

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Louie, I think you're right. I guess when you spend so much on shrimp, you're also going to spend a lot of time making sure you don't kill them by accident. I really despair any time I see a post in the aquatic frog section; I swear the words "water change" almost never come up.


^-^ of course, I still don't HAVE any shrimp ...

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@ Louie, they are the only fanged frog I know of, and like chibikaie I also fed him with tongs! So, I did not get bitten, but my tong got a few chomps!!!

@ chibikaie My frog was extremely picky eater!!! There was not a feeding I did not have to make sure he did not spit out the food! Except when I fed frozen thawed pinkie mice! That he loved! It was just for a weekly treat, since it is high in fat, but because of the bones it is high in calcium too! I also dusted his food with Repashy Calcium Plus! For D3 I was using a full spectrum light, and liquid D3 once a week!

Parasites would only infect your frog if the food you are feeding is infected! I never worried about that! However with that said, when I did have an animal with worms the appetite increased exponentially! Also my frog loved horned and silkworms!

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:) If I were more handy with a camera, I would have some very funny video clips of me attempting to wiggle the ends of the tongs out of a very determined frog mouth!


I will have to consider the pinky mice. Mine is not big enough yet for those, but apparently they are quite well loved by even those frogs that don't like earthworms. Same with the hornworms - I'm a bit leery about silkworms, though, ever since my goldfish spat some back out. (She almost spat them out of the tank! I thought only archerfish could do things like that!)


Oh, he is getting dewormed whether he likes it or not. And yes, he also passed some earthworm parasite eggs, I'm not concerned about those. As long as his picky appetite is not all that unusual for his species (seems like I am babying him too much and spoiling him with variety), I just want the worms gone so they won't turn into a problem later. (It's not like I have to worry about him infecting another frog.) I just don't have many people to talk to about him, and I tend to spaz out a little.

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                Years ago they sold every color Pacman, fantasy frog and other large frogs in the area and those frogs looked like they can bite .  I actually had no idea they had fangs . 


How did you keep yours as far as heat ?   I ask because know frogs don't care for incandescent heat and not to active I imagine?



                  When those frogs first came out in color morphs they were pricey and only serious hobbyist got them than but as the prices dropped much lower , more kids got them or people who pick them up on a whim and their husbandry suffered.


                 Same premise as the $5 baby sliders people buy in those little plastic turtle set ups . Those poor turtles are doomed .

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They aren't true teeth, but bony protrusions. Of course, if you were bitten, I'm sure you wouldn't care if they were anatomically considered teeth or not!

I use a side-mounted heating pad, but you can use radiant overhead heat if you're careful about humidity.

I wish more places would make it clearer: "This inexpensively-priced animal requires several hundred dollars in equipment, food, and many hours of maintenance, and you must be prepared to seek the services of an appropriate exotic animal veterinarian."

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I also used the heat pad, however I found that if temps went a bit below 72F in the room, the frog would just burry itself in the soil, and if that happened it would sort if hibernate through winter. It happened twice in the 8 years! It was interesting because I could still check on him through the bottom of the tank!

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Ha, that's brilliant, looking through the bottom glass!

About three weeks in, I could not find my frog and panicked, thinking he had somehow escaped. I dug through the coir again and again, and finally an angry frog burst out. The next time, I used slightly less substrate so that I could at least see where his hole was.

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