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Salty shrimp gh+

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So I've been reading different things. And I've never tested the gh after I remineralize,

A lot of people say when you remineralize to a tds of 140-150 your gh is high at 10

But whenever I test my gh in the tank it's always around 6

So what's the deal here?

What remineralizer raises the tds to 130 and keeps the gh around 6?

I'm assuming the gh is around 6 in my tank because of the amazonia

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normally 1 GH provides at least 17.8ppm, 


10GH would have minimum 180ppm.

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Uh - so GH is a measure of how many divalent cations are in the water. The bulk of these in most water are calcium and magnesium (Ca2+ and Mg2+). Strictly speaking, this has absolutely nothing to do with KH, also known as alkalinity, which is a measure of carbonate (CO32-). If you take reverse osmosis or distilled water, which starts out with nothing but pure H2O, and add only magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), you will raise the amount of magnesium in the water and thus the GH. This has no effect on the pH, which should remain at 7.0.


If you instead add sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3, also known as baking soda), you are adding carbonate and this will affect both KH and pH (pH will rise). It will have no effect on GH. You're simply not adding the kinds of cations that are measured by a GH test.


What you probably want to do is remineralize some water, allow it to mix/stand/thoroughly dissolve, and measure everything: TDS, GH, KH, pH - away from your tank, in an inert container. Then check those against the parameters from the tank itself. You can see what changes, if anything, and then figure out if something in the tank is adsorbing certain kinds of ions.


I know a lot of people say that The Krib is outdated these days - but it has an excellent breakdown of the chemical aspect of water hardness and alkalinity. If I managed to completely confuse you, I'd go start there.

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Kh and gh affect each other. With a kh of 0 the gh and ph can swing greatly. The higher the kh say 3 and a gh of 9 the gh and ph will stay more stable. The only reason that the ph and kh stay 6.4 and 0 in most shrimp tanks is because of the buffering substrate which is why the gh must be lowered or raised.

That's what I've noticed and tested for in all my tanks. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I don't do to well with scientific equations. I like cause and effect ;P

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