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Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping

Soothing Shrimp

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Thank you!! I'll get practicing again. Kind of laid off it once all the shrimp were gone.


I'll look at those... the real dark ones make them look like bugs. :::shudder:::


Meanwhile, I'll go back to lurk mode.  Thank you, my friend. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally managed to do the last of my wc today to drop my Malawa Shrimp down from:


TDS 723

GH 34




TDS 184

Gh  7


Honestly don't know how they feel about it, but I'm happier with it. LOL  Took about 2 weeks.

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Finally managed to do the last of my wc today to drop my Malawa Shrimp down from:


TDS 723

GH 34




TDS 184

Gh  7


Honestly don't know how they feel about it, but I'm happier with it. LOL  Took about 2 weeks.

How did you manage that, Soothing? 

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Wow just found this thread and read it through. Some excellent info here. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences. Any updates on your projects or is everything just holding steady?

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Well, I still have projects going, but they take a very very very long time.  You are familiar with my term trilogy (space, time, money), so will take a while before many new updates.


Winter always slows down for me here, so when the breeding starts picking up- hopefully I'll have more news to tell.  :)


Do you have any ideas for working towards a shrimp goal for yourself?


Wow just found this thread and read it through. Some excellent info here. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences. Any updates on your projects or is everything just holding steady?

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Well, I still have projects going, but they take a very very very long time. You are familiar with my term trilogy (space, time, money), so will take a while before many new updates.

Winter always slows down for me here, so when the breeding starts picking up- hopefully I'll have more news to tell. :)

Do you have any ideas for working towards a shrimp goal for yourself?

i understand, thanks for sharing though. Best of luck! I have only been keeping shrimp for a few months now. I am just working on building up a colony then will do some culling in hopes of getting some better reds out of these cherries. Started with about 20 rcs in a community tank but decided between the overflow and fish any shrimplets would have minimal chance of survival. So I started up a 20 Long for shrimp only. They seem happy now and have been breeding rapidly. Probably close to 50 new babies on last count and saw 7 more females berried last night. In your experience does the neo coloration come from one parent more than the other? Does the mother carry more of the color genes? I ask because I have a couple females with excellent coloration but all my males are very lacking in color. I understand males are commonly less colorful but these seem pretty low. Are all the offsprings color quality doomed by the males genes? Should I be looking to purchase better quality males?

Sorry did I just hijack your thread? I can move this question elsewhere if needed.

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We're all here to help each other. :)


The fems do carry the color in neos.  A good colored fem can at some point throw a good colored male.  Keep that one for more breeding.  You can improve male color once you start breeding the better males to the best females.


Improving the color coverage of cherries is a classic project that never gets old.  I'd love to follow your journal as you experiment and learn. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Well, my sunshines look to be at a dead end.  No breeding, 3 fems left and one male that just isn't doing the job.  I'm putting these with yellow strain number 2 and hopefully have some of the genes continue on.  Then it'll be back to cull, cull, cull.  Years gone down the drain, but that's just the way the ball bounces sometimes.  Not every strain comes to fruition.

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I have 4 Sunshines left and I've been procrastinating putting them in with my strain #2.  For once, my procrastination paid off!  One of my Sunshines is berried!  I now have the start of a new colony provided she holds her berries!


:D :D :D :D :D :D

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