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Does anyone else ever get bummed about there tanks? Ive just had a few rough weeks battling algae, lost some shrimp... my last micro crab is gone.... im not happy with my scapes... im not giving up..im just bummed. .. just wanted to vent... thanks for listening lol

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Just start over, slowly set it up, do everything careful and correctly. 


you would success.

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Does anyone else ever get bummed about there tanks? Ive just had a few rough weeks battling algae, lost some shrimp... my last micro crab is gone.... im not happy with my scapes... im not giving up..im just bummed. .. just wanted to vent... thanks for listening lol

That's the challenges, that keeps a lot in the hobby. You feel great when your tank is perfect!
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Hey, I've NEVER been happy with my tanks. Saying that I'm happy with how they look is just asking for an algae outbreak! I've basically settled into an armed truce with my hair algae.


I'm sure you'll get them back into order sooner or later. You can look at it as an opportunity to rescape and maybe restart if a tank just isn't working out.

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I just went through a huge algae explosion with one of my 10 ten gallons, and I had to clean it up. Cleaned all the décor with a toothbrush,

vacuumed the substrate, cleaned the glass inside and out, changed about 65% of the water, rinsed the sponges and filters in the aquarium

water and put them back in, and now the tank is back to it's normal, "looks great tank look".    Pain in the butt, but once I was done, I was



Right now, I am starting from scratch with a Mr. Aqua 12 gallon, low iron, tank for my shrimp. It is a really nice tank. I am going with a easy to

clean and maintain setup up. Substrate in holders, dish for leaves, Penn Plax Cascade 500 canister filter, Tom's nano filters, sponges, and

a side HMF. I just finished making a sliding glass top for it, and a hanging light. I am making this tank, so that it will be easy to clean and deal

with. Everything in this tank is setup, so I can get to anything easily, simply, quickly, clean it and put it back. With the substrate in the containers,

and plants in little glass containers, bare bottom floor, with large dishes for food and leaves, the HMF, and sponges so there is still plenty of

biofilm and bacteria. I am hoping, this will put an end to things like worms, planaria, hydra, and the constant cleaning and dealing with the

tank. Obviously, I will have to do some, but I am trying to set this up, so everything is easier, quicker, with the ability to deal with bad things

much better and easier, but still have a great environment for the shrimp.  


That's the plan, and hopefully, it will go the way I want. I'll let you know. But like you too, sometimes, you just get a little bummed out with

the tanks. I have five of them, and I am slowly setting each one up to be much easier to deal with.

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Man I must be lucky on the algae bug. Only algae I really get anymore is a little on my wood (where the sun hits the tank for about an hour in the AM) which the shrimp LOVE and practically keep it at bay. Had a problem with some black hair looking algae once, but off those leaves and it disappeared. I think my lack of algae is due to me dosing EI and having low light, with lots of plants of course!

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Most new tanks will go through an algae bloom. Almost convinced it must happen in order to balance out the ecosystem. The more I try to remove it the worst it get sometimes. Then one day it's like magic,it's gone and disappeared. After about 6 months of running they stabilize more.

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Most algae is caused by imbalances it is your tank's way of begging you to balance your params.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9860 using Tapatalk

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Bleaching your plants? Putting in Peroxide in your tank? 


I definitely need to know more about those two subjects.

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How do u do it?

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Bleach is the extreme version of nuking incoming plants. You have to use a specific dilution (I think 5% but don't quote me on that), not leave them too long, and be prepared for more delicate plants to melt entirely. So please don't actually bleach your plants without researching it thoroughly first.

I normally use a potassium permanganate solution as a dip for incoming new plants. Unfortunately, I had brought in some native North American plants from a forum contact who had a LOT of algae growing with them. The treatment and careful picking got rid of all the visible algae, but the large amount of organic debris present probably prematurely exhausted the solution. Or perhaps the algal spores were resistant to it. In any case, I've been battling hair algae ever since. I gave up ever since it started in on my mattenfilter. I've been debating nuking everything and starting completely fresh (new equipment, new substrate, new plants) but can't get past the expense and the waste.

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Countryboy - Do you add peroxide right to your tank? or a mix or something.

How do you use the peroxide?     



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The thing with the peroxide is that it is sensitive to light and you cant switch your filters off when dosing cause it will burn gills etc. You can always pop your subs into the microwave and then dry it out in a oven scrub it good with water straight from the tap and then cycle your tank again.

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Like they said though algae is the tanks way of telling you something is off. Algae won't grow if you balance the tank. Chemicals in the long run make it worse. Puts band aids on something but doesn't eliminate the problem. Nuking your tank just makes you waste your time and cycle again. Give the tank a good cleaning and figure out the problem.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

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