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OMG Aquatics

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I just can't believe this. Just flipping out.

So I made a purchase from a seller for fish and it arrived dead because they didn't want to use isolation.

Claim opened and won.

The seller then makes a purchase from me. I already knew they were going to manipulate feedback.

So I shipped him his Java Moss.

He opened claim once received saying it was dead. I asked for pictures. None was provided of course. 3 days later, claim escalated and he left negative feedback.

I left negative feedback and it got automatically removed...


So one month later, the package returns to me???

The package is in it's original packaging and same shipping label. He wrong REFUSED on the package and never even opened it. So how do you claim my Java Moss is dead?


His negative feedback was "Beware bad seller"


So I call eBay. Waited about 40 minutes and guess what!!!

They can't remove it because it doesn't violate any policies...

So done...


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I believe there is a way to block individuals on ebay, but he'd probably go around it by using a fake acct.


I almost always try to think of online purchases as a calculated gamble, knowing if I don't know the person, I may lose money.  Doesn't make it right, but yeah.


I bought some fish from someone on aquabid recently that came with some fry as well.  Took time (as I'm sure the seller knew), but 3 of those fry are not those fish I ordered methinks.  They are beginning to look like like black bar endlers getting their colors. 


Naturally I had already left positive feedback from before, and the seller through e-mail denies he did it, I'm almost posative that's what 3 of those fry are.  I know the gamble though, and I also know if I ever leave negative feedback for anyone, they can retaliate.  The worst I do is leave no feedback at all.

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I believe there is a way to block individuals on ebay, but he'd probably go around it by using a fake acct.

I almost always try to think of online purchases as a calculated gamble, knowing if I don't know the person, I may lose money. Doesn't make it right, but yeah.

I bought some fish from someone on aquabid recently that came with some fry as well. Took time (as I'm sure the seller knew), but 3 of those fry are not those fish I ordered methinks. They are beginning to look like like black bar endlers getting their colors.

Naturally I had already left positive feedback from before, and the seller through e-mail denies he did it, I'm almost posative that's what 3 of those fry are. I know the gamble though, and I also know if I ever leave negative feedback for anyone, they can retaliate. The worst I do is leave no feedback at all.

I won an auction on aquabid and seller never contact me in 2 weeks. Emailed every other day. On day 14 I left neutral feedback. 10 mins later he emails asking to make positive and he would discount my order. I said no thank you lol.

Same with the Kordon bags had 24-25 leak on Me. 2 was during a shipment and lost the package. I then tested all the bags and notified the seller. He said sorry it's been 2 weeks we don't accept returns. He said I'm to busy to check every bag. First time ever I left negative feedback, he responds saying remove or I'll negative feedback you. He sent me a few more threats. I opened the case on him and eBay banned him from selling. I felt bad but don't threaten people to make yourself look good. If you have 2000 sales and you mess up Only one your doing great in my eyes. Some orders Will Just get plain messed up, lost and what not.

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Amazon is the best! eBay is just terrible. Crappy customer service too. 


I had a seller on amazon named invertobsession hijack my shrimp ads on Amazon.  Dirty tactics.  I called Amazon and basically was told I was screwed and there was nothing they could do because of seller matrix.  I got so fed up I pulled all ads for anything I had (over 1,000).  If they can't protect what I'm selling, then what good is it to list?

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I don't understand how he did it either.  I thought ads were supposed to be password protected, but apparently if someone has a bigger customer feedback, they can take over your ads.  Happened 3 or four times.  I'd sign in and find my descriptions had changed and all of a sudden it was HIM who was selling my shrimp!  I even went so far as to create another ad for certain shrimp, and he took those over as well.  After calling customer service multiple times (one time they said AMAZON had to change the description back, and they did but with misspellings and I couldn't even edit), finally I just cussed a lot and said screw it.  I pulled all my ads and have refused to put up another there since they couldn't stop the hijackings.


I demanded to know how this could happen and they just kept repeating "seller Matrix", and he had more feedback or whatever, so he could rewrite and edit MINE.  My faith in them was demolished as far as ads go.  I couldn't even edit them back after he did it.

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Here's the thing about Amazon. The "ads" are not yours. Amazon is not like eBay where each seller gets their own "ad".

On Amazon everyone "shares" an ad unless you own the brand. Amazon is for "company" rather than someone that sells 1-5 orders a day. So technically, he's not hijacking your ad because the ad is not yours. Amazon can't do anything about it because it doesn't belong to you. 


Unless you own a company and trademark, anyone can list on the ad you created. If you have no Trademark, Amazon does NOT care about you. Amazon is about brand items as to eBay is for counterfeits.



"I demanded to know how this could happen and they just kept repeating "seller Matrix", and he had more feedback or whatever, so he could rewrite and edit MINE.  My faith in them was demolished as far as ads go."


It's not Matrix lol. It's Metrics.

Anyways, that's not how it works. ANYONE can edit an ad as long as it doesn't belong to someone. How does it belong to someone? TRADEMARK/PATENT

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I went to far as to pay for my own UPC codes for my shrimp.  They still didn't do anything about it.  He didn't just list under my ad...he totally repeatedly REWROTE it for HIS benefit. :growl:


Heck Duff, if you were to list something, someone could rewrite it and sell their stuff instead of yours.  Insane, eh?

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Unfortunately UPC codes don't help you with anything besides listing an product. You need a trademark/patent to keep anyone from listing your product. You have no idea what I went through. Some sellers overrided the system with lots of scamming bs. For instance, for one of the ads I was listing under, a Hong Kong scammer overrides the ad and says XXX(Me) is selling LV bags only $10. They changed about 20 listings to false advertise and hurt me. OFC... Amazon does nothing.

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A note to any Amazon sellers on this forum.


TRACKING is NOT proof of delivery. BEWARE because Amazon is scammer heaven. Only signature confirmation is proof of delivery. I've been scammed about 50 times during my selling time on Amazon. Don't say I didn't warn you :)

If you ship USPS and whatever you're shipping can be insured by U-PIC, DO IT!! Paying 30-50 cent depending on insurance amount is worth it!!

Their insurance is a lot faster and quicker than USPS. I've gotten back at least $600 from using U-PIC.

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What is U-Pic?  I have been selling on amazon lately so I am curious :)

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I never tried U-PIC outside of Amazon though. So I'll tell you all I know about U-PIC when used with Amazon.

Because Amazon is partnered with U-PIC, Amazon's U-PIC purchase is less. If you purchase U-PIC insurance on U-PIC's website, it's $100 insurance = $1 but Amazon charges 30 cent or something per $100?

So basically I pay about 30 cent for insurance then ship it. If the package arrives damaged or missing, all I need to do is take a screenshot of the buyer claiming that and make a claim on U-PIC. They take 2 weeks or less to finish up your claim and if the claim worked, they send you a check that you'll receive in about 3-4 days? I've opened about 30-40 claims. Most are non delivery and some are damaged. I won 99% of the claims. 

If you purchase U-PIC insurance outside of Amazon, most likely they will ask you for PROOF.





I would say the extra 30 cent per package is worth it selling on Amazon. If you ever get to shipping about 200 Amazon orders per day, you'll notice about 1% of the orders are claimed non delivery with tracking stating delivered. You don't get this bullcrap from eBay because tracking is proof. When shipping shrimp, U-PIC is only good for non delivery claims. REMEMBER, Amazon has your money and can do whatever they want. When a customer claims non delivery, you MUST refund unless signed for. Failure to refund will result in A-Z claim. Every 100 orders, you can only have ONE A-Z claim or Amazon will boot you so quickly. Feedback is a big issue on Amazon. Out of about 4000 orders, I received 180ish feedback. Less than 5% feedback rate compared to eBays 90% feedback rate. So out of every 100 orders, you'll be lucky to even get 5 feedback.


Oh yah... Also about Amazon...

The customer is ALWAYS right. 

It doesn't matter what type of bs the buyer makes, they will always be right.


Amazon-Worlds most customer centric company.


Why sell on Amazon? Because the sales traffic is about 10-20x greater than eBay.

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