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Why Aren't My Cherry Shrimp Breeding? Seeking Advice and Solutions

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Hello everyone,


I'm reaching out for help with my cherry shrimp tank. Despite creating what i thought was an ideal environment for breeding, my shrimp just don't seem to be reproducing. Here's a quick rundown of my setup and practices:

  • Tank Size: 5 gallon tank
  • Water Mates: I don't have any water mates at this time except for two snails but in the future am hoping to put some new fish in the tank
  • Substrate: Aqua soil
  • Maintenance Routine: all I do is but new water in every couple days because of the fast evaporation


I've read that cherry shrimp need stable water conditions, specific temperatures, and sometimes even certain parameters to breed successfully. Could there be something Im missing or any adjustments I should consider?


Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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  • 5 weeks later...

How old is the tank, and how long have the shrimp been in it?


What are you topping off evaporation with?


Can you post a photo? If not, what plants and decor do you have?


Are you sure you have at least one adult male and one adult female?


If cherry shrimp are kept in good conditions, they'll breed. Stable water conditions, reasonable temperatures (which includes most room temperature), and any acceptable water parameters are all you need. "Acceptable" here means anything within their comfortable range of calcium, nitrates, and other components. If they're healthy and happy, the water has fine parameters for them to breed.

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