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<3 fissiden

My favorite moss. It attaches as it grows, it doesn't suffocate the bottom growth, and it looks so fluffy and full.

I'm trying to collect as many fissidens species as possible.

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I usually just leave my moss free floating, but it is starting to get pretty unruly, so I think I may have to do the same thing. I will also be using lots of Netflix and my iPad!

I noticed moss that floats tends to grow funny. Because it's constantly spinning, it doesn't have a chance or orient itself. I'll usually anchor it down to something.

This is...

Phase 1 - The Grow Out phase

I found that during the initial stages of growing, the moss will be stringy and require trimming and re-tying. I use this time to let it grow wildly and propagate more moss.

Phase 2 will consist of trimming and re-tying to create that "fuller" look. After re-tying, the moss will grow out fuller and cover the rock/surface more fully.

I'll revisit these rocks at a later date. This process usually takes a few months.

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dang, i love your center piece.

Thanks ANBU. That piece needs a trimming. Luckily fissidens doesn't grow too wild if left to grow but I like the compact look. The centerpiece took a while to grow but it filled in nicely.

I really love Mini Fissidens, they look so stunning in the tank with a good layout. Congrats...

That piece of mini fissidens has been a work in progress for months. Mini Fissidens just grows so slow that it's hard to cultivate a good enough amount to start scaping with.

I got a few really great pieces from Tom Barr I'm planning using with the mini fissidens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress update: It's been 2 weeks since I've tied the moss on the lava rocks.  The Flame Moss inside the 8G Red Wine Tank is showing signs of growth, which makes me very happy.  I think in 3 more weeks I can do a small trim and then proceed to retying the moss a second time.  This will allow the moss to grow fully and evenly.  It’s the best way to get that really “fluffy” mossy rock appearance.


Due to the way the tank is positioned on top of my cabinet, it was difficult to take clear macros of the Red Wine Taiwan Bees.  I can't use my tripod and remote to take pictures because this tank is positioned further away from the edge of the cabinet.  This increases the maximum distance between my camera and front of the tank further, which reduce the focus of my lens.  Since the macro lens can't focus at such distance I have to resort to taking pictures freehand.  I apologize for the blur but freehanded macro photography is a bit difficult with the shakes.  I hope you guys enjoy!







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  • 1 month later...

Some might already know, but I just got back from a trip to Japan.  While in Japan, I got the chance to try some really great foods and visit places that tickles my interests of which includes SHRIMPS!!!!


I'd like to share my first visit to Lowkeys Tokyo branch.  Please enjoy the following pictures below.


This was my first visit to Japan and my first shrimp store visit in Tokyo and it was SUPER AWESOME!!!  I did a little write up of the store for those interested in reading available at Shrimpfan.blogspot.com
Thank you for reading.
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Thanks Hans.

You’d be surprised (or not surprised) at how affordable certain shrimps are in Asia. The ones going for 5 for $125 are zebras which are the most common and cheapest. I think the reason why folks are paying so much is the lack of supply currently available to them. Back when I was still doing importing I was able to buy shrimps (neos) for pennies on the dollar and resell at $1/ea and still make a ton of profit. I think being that Pintos aren’t Neos and harder to breed they might cost a few bucks but probably not much more.

This is why the first wave of any new rare shrimp is usually in the hundreds and the second wave is nearly half that (if folks from the first wave are successful). I didn’t get any Zebra Pintos at the Lowkeys Tokyo location because he didn’t have a source in NA where he could ship to and clear customs for me. I did get the rare Spotted-Head Pintos from Lowkeys Osaka which had more connections and was able to clear customs for me. ;)

I’ll post my Lowkeys Osaka Adventures later today after work.

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New photo time! I got some time and so I spent it taking photos of my new shrimps.  Enjoy!


Japanese Black Bee (JBB):







Full Bodied Blue Bolt:




Shadow Panda:








Mosura Blue Bolt:




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Nice.... I love the JBB.


They are not acclimated yet. Once after the first moult, their legs should be full brown colour. ^^


Any photos of your JRB?


Thank you so much.  You're right, it's only been 3 days since they've been introduced into the tank. I have very high hopes for them because if they're already looking this good, imagine how they'll look in 2 weeks after they molt.  :D


I'm not used to taking photos of shrimps inside my 18x18x18 tank so I was playing around with the settings for a bit and by the time I figured it out for my JBB my camera battery ran out... charger was at home... I'll try to do a photoshoot of the JRB next week when I visit my parents house.

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Thank you so much.  You're right, it's only been 3 days since they've been introduced into the tank. I have very high hopes for them because if they're already looking this good, imagine how they'll look in 2 weeks after they molt.  :D


I'm not used to taking photos of shrimps inside my 18x18x18 tank so I was playing around with the settings for a bit and by the time I figured it out for my JBB my camera battery ran out... charger was at home... I'll try to do a photoshoot of the JRB next week when I visit my parents house.


LOL!!! This is why I have 3 batteries (actually is 4. One more for my X-M1). I also have the battery handgrip so that I could use double battery and easy access to the secondary battery for changing without lifting my camera out of the clamp. :D

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LOL!!! This is why I have 3 batteries (actually is 4. One more for my X-M1). I also have the battery handgrip so that I could use double battery and easy access to the secondary battery for changing without lifting my camera out of the clamp. :D

^This. I need to buy another battery when I place my order on B&H for my new camera equipment.  I want to get the new goodies by the end of the year but lets see how this goes.


Gorgeous JBBs, don't see those to often. What camera are you using?


Thanks! I think not many keep Black Bees in NA because Red Bees are so beautiful and in a way overshadow their Black Bee cousins, but I find Black Bees just equally beautiful in every way as Red Bees.  I've been wanting good Black Bees for a while now but during my last trip to HK I found out that Asians don't like the black color as much as the red color (red has a deep rooted meaning in chinese and asian culture) so Red Bees are more favored and so they're kept and breed much more often.


Camera is the FujiFilm X-T1.  It's a nice little mirrorless camera and I'm very happy I went with a mirrorless over the heavier and bulkier DSLR.  Although, when I was over in Japan I got a few strange looks when I had a tiny mirrorless camera around my neck from older gentleman strapped with their heavily Canons and their 20ft lens.  LOL!!  I bet their thinking I was some sort of a rookie. :thumbsu:  

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Every time I read JBB, I was thinking Japanese Blue Bolt! LOL

I, too, like the high quality CBS. The reds are beautiful, but also common.

Hah!! I've toss around the abbreviation in my head. I've also considered the fact that JBB could be confusing but I couldn't come up with anything bedsides JBB. In Japan, they call blue bolts, turquoise shrimp, and they call Mosura shadow pandas, Mothras.

I also picked up a Mothra in Japan. They're so beautiful.

I'm with you soothing the reds are nice but the solid black and solid white contrast I like a lot better just my opinion

I think that because we don't see Black bees as often as we do Red bees that we're more stunned when a nice one appears.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these guys survive the transition. I already have babies from the JBB. Benefits of buying berried mommas. [emoji1]

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I'm currently performing a full tank reset because I've been having issues with my 60P. Strangely, Taiwan Bee babies had terrible survive rate so I decided to remove all the plants and clean the tank a bit.

Switching from Salty Shrimp GH+ to full Revive Bianco mineralizers. The tanks at my parents house are doing really great so I decided to simplified my life a bit, it was best to just grind through the reset.

Some photo below.


Tank bare with all shrimps relocated into a breeder box for temporary housing.


All my Taiwan Bee inside this cup.


Fruits of my labor - Mini Fissidens.


The centerpiece - Fissidens & Buce. Brownie Blue.


Assorted fissidens moss.

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