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Shrimp Spot Shrimp Show?

Soothing Shrimp

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Just an idea, however what would people say to a Shrimp Spot Shrimp Show?


We would be pioneers by having the first ever forum shrimp show in the USA?


Lots of stuff would have to be figured out.  I think California may have the most shrimpers, however unsure about a show there with their drought right now.


Submission fee required naturally, and folks could attend in person or enter submissions via mailing them in overnight.


Perhaps a tank business could sponsor since the shrimp would have to be housed for judging anyway?


Ideas? Suggestions?  Bad idea?  Good idea?

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This is just a suggestion but if this is the first time you guys will be hosting a shrimp show and have no sponsors whatsoever, i think its best to ask a fish club like discus,kilis,guppy or betta clubs if they are willing to co-host with you and share venue. That way the cost will be cut down and some people who have no idea about shrimps will see what they are and might form an interest in shrimps. So its basically 2 birds with 1 stone. The contest and advertisement. not like when you host a show strictly for shrimps then probably only people who will show up are those who are interested in shrimps and them only. I cant really get the right english words but yeah i hope you at least get what im trying to say and its just a suggestion :)

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I love the idea, too! Most of my travel has to be sponsored/funded by my or my partner's job, but if there was a way to swing it, you know I'd be there, wherever there was.

Latching on to an existing con could be a very good idea, especially the first time. We'd benefit from the organizational experience as well as hopefully sharing costs, and not feel quite so lonely if there was a slightly meager turn out.

Are there really no shrimp shows in the US? If so, I'd think there'd be plenty of international and domestic vendors who might like to get in at ground level and help us out.

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I think it's worth exploring, for sure.

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Great idea. I know a few people and can get some sponsors if the terms and conditions fit. I will definitely help with what I can.

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I plan to have a trip to Taiwan in November, and have set up a few interviews with some top breeders and some big arse breeding facilities. I will make that shrimp spot exclusive and promote this site by posting links to this forum.


Already two shrimpers asked me if I can organize a shrimp hobbyist tourist group to go with my visits ;-) Maybe that is possible in the future if enough interests, it's an interesting place to visit for sure.

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I was honestly just wondering if there was a shrimp show or conference thing held in the US. I think it would be awesome to put one together!

Are there any existing shrimp organization/clubs in North America, that might be interested in helping or participating?

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I imagine soon some American breeders will start to get some recognition in the shrimp world. The hobby is really still in it's infancy in the USA people fly all over the world to go to conventions I know people that go to the Hamm reptile expo in Germany every year.

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Great idea. We're going to need a lot of cycled tanks though! That video looks good.

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You can pre-cycle the media, conditioning water and use inert substrate at show.

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I love this idea. Here's some thoughts.

although Vegas is popular, it'll also be expensive. It would be better to rent a party room or a convention center in a less popular town. Most shrimpers I know in Cali live in the bay or close to around it within a three to four hour drive. Hotels around here give discounts for bulk bookigs. Wherevwr it is help must have access to ro water and have a good circuits breaker for 30+ filters, lights air pumps heater or fans etc.

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Lets just go to Germany to the Heimtiermesse! It's awesome there :). In all seriousness I'd love to attend, but I don't think I'll be in any financial situation in the near future to be able to fly somewhere to show shrimps. To add to the circuit breakers, they also must allow aquariums since the possible water damage is usually an insurance issue.

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Depending on how many people are going we could just do it at someones house or a church or something like that.  That way it keeps the costs down as it grows.

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Depending on how many people are going we could just do it at someones house or a church or something like that. That way it keeps the costs down as it grows.

Agreed. We should start with something smaller in scale. Then we get more interest and more funds and grow from there.

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I plan to have a trip to Taiwan in November, and have set up a few interviews with some top breeders and some big arse breeding facilities. I will make that shrimp spot exclusive and promote this site by posting links to this forum.


Already two shrimpers asked me if I can organize a shrimp hobbyist tourist group to go with my visits ;-) Maybe that is possible in the future if enough interests, it's an interesting place to visit for sure.


Randy. care to share where you are going? I was also planning a trip shortly after to also meet some breeders, larger stores, and gf's fam.

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