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OMG Aquatics

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Ever since I found the led light deal and shared it, nothing has been going well. :(

What is going wrong!!


First to order, last to receive. Still didn't receive my lights yet. Should receive them tomorrow.

Random shrimp death.

3 Jager Heaters failed on me(Same source)

One arrived internally damaged. Other 2 after being calibrated still heats way overboard.

Purchased an item and received expired product.

A package arrives at my local post office then "departs" ? WDF?

A package suppose to deliver 10/11/2014 but got delayed.

Made a purchase on eBay 10/8/2014 and still NOT shipped. I contacted seller's customer service and they say it takes 24 hours to upload tracking info. HELLO, it's been 7 days. All tracking indicates is shipping label created. (Told them this 3 times yet their replies are useless.)


Made a purchase on eBay 10/5/2014 and has yet to be shipped.


What else can go wrong!!!

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All this happened within the last 2 weeks. That's way too much for just 2 weeks. :(


Not really trying to make light of your issues but in March this year I had my basement flood which will cost me ~$30K and I was diagnosed with lung disease, now that is too much for 2 weeks.

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Sometimes you just have to say. "Lord, you take care of this, because I can't deal with it anymore"

You would be surprised just how much stress, and worry goes off you when you do that.

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Wow that is a nasty run of bad luck there

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Don't you just hate it when you're getting help from customer service yet the person you're speaking too doesn't qualify for the job or is just too dumb...

Or better yet as in most cases can barely speak english to the point of frustration and just give it up!

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Well... Things seem to be getting better...

Just received a package today and wow, people can't pack. The package is half opened. At least the product wasn't stolen.

I made an order for the lights and apparently I was last on line so my 4th light was out of stock. Contacted Amazon today and they sold me one for the same price purchased from Fat Happy Pets. Was a one time exception. Yah  :stuff:


Jager said they are replacing my heaters. Still waiting...

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I find it interesting how people prefer money over customer service.

If all the people on eBay sold on Amazon, 99% of them would be suspended for terrible customer service.

People put up listings then go on vacation? Are you serious?!!!!

Placed an order Oct 5 and it said it will ship Oct 13. Now they say you gotta wait till Oct 20th for it to be shipped because they are on vacation.

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Ever since I found the led light deal and shared it, nothing has been going well. :(

What is going wrong!!

First to order, last to receive. Still didn't receive my lights yet. Should receive them tomorrow.

Random shrimp death.

3 Jager Heaters failed on me(Same source)

One arrived internally damaged. Other 2 after being calibrated still heats way overboard.

Purchased an item and received expired product.

A package arrives at my local post office then "departs" ? WDF?

A package suppose to deliver 10/11/2014 but got delayed.

Made a purchase on eBay 10/8/2014 and still NOT shipped. I contacted seller's customer service and they say it takes 24 hours to upload tracking info. HELLO, it's been 7 days. All tracking indicates is shipping label created. (Told them this 3 times yet their replies are useless.)


Made a purchase on eBay 10/5/2014 and has yet to be shipped.

What else can go wrong!!!

File a clain and nail negative feedback. They will respond very quickly lol.
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I find it interesting how people prefer money over customer service.

If all the people on eBay sold on Amazon, 99% of them would be suspended for terrible customer service.

People put up listings then go on vacation? Are you serious?!!!!

Placed an order Oct 5 and it said it will ship Oct 13. Now they say you gotta wait till Oct 20th for it to be shipped because they are on vacation.

Oh I bought and ipad last week should be here by,now. Was purchased on Amazon. Emailed the seller and its auto replies and says sorry were closed for 2 weeks for the jewish holiday. Was like really, then take your items down your wasting my time. Its annoying lol, i get it theres vacations but suspend your listings so you dont leave people hanging.
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