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2.5g first shrimp tank :) :D can't wait


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Okay, guess it's up to me to answer then.  I don't have experience (yet) with these plants, however I've wanted to get them so I have done some research for a small time on them.


No need to clip the apono flower.  It just means it is about to go into dormancy, so enjoy the flower and then the plant will look like it is dying.  The stems will wilt and die off, etc.  That's because in the wild they go through a dry season.  In about a month or so it will start growing again.


So if you don't want a tank of aponos that die off at the same time, stagger your planting and you'll always have some green.

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Ok, tanks :) I knew they had a dry season I just didn't know what to do with flowers and what they meant, with some plants flower stalks mean its like its trying to.... keep the genertions going if that makes sense like it is just dieing and trying to reproduce, thanks for the info :)

Oh and if you go to petco they sell a apono, onion, and lily bulb pack, lilies rarely sprout, onions usally do but leaves get 6' long, and apono are usally in dormancy if not sprouting after a few weeks.

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Thanks. :)


I've heard some really bad things about buying aponos from chain stores.  Basically because they get them on bulk deals and those are usually the ones not in the best of shape that are left over.  So, although that makes a great profit for the chain stores, it means for the buyer they sometimes don't sprout or do well. :rollseyes:

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Ok so haven't updated for awhile, I put both ghosties in tank, both are alive, eating, may have a saddled one :), and I am still working on the snails, as of now have lettuce in tank for a few hours and then shake off in my other tank, and then put back in and replace daily, and I suction a lot of the poo and leftovers out.

And the plant updates, all aponogetons moved, the dwarf hairgrass is greener and looks better, it may have some new roots but cant tell, dwarf sagid doing great, growing, and the biggestone has a runner with 2 little mplants :), anubias is looking good, hasn't grown nor died, the javamoss is looking awesome and really green, I will get pics in a few minutes.

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Haha, i come berrieing(see what I did there :P) pic gifts :)

First two af of a ghost shrimp, first pic .is the day I gotthem second is right now.


Next two are java moss from different sides of tank, first=front second=left side, the first pic doesn't do it justice at all either.


Next is the dwarf sag with 2 runners.


Next is some of the dwarf hairgrass, that doesn't .do justice either.

Now some salvania.


And some FTS inorder, from front, from side, from side on top, from side normal.



Hopefully you like'em

This is the DHG it didn't attach up top. post-352-0-67937300-1415842558_thumb.jpg


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Ok well thanks for the comments :P

Here's a story from my 10g

Ok well alittle(but awesome)update, so the apono with the 2 flower spikes is doinggood in the ten, and this morning it was floating(go figure) the only reason it annoys me is that a week ago it was floating and the tallest flower stalk got singed, and it put off another, so when I plnated it I notice, the small(as of last night) is the same size as the other :o so I planted it, and I realized, the singed one has a little tiny one coming from the singed part :o and the other is starting to split and it getting the little flower on it that are unopend :) yay!!! I will have two so I can ferilize them :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok sell I haven't updated in awhile, I redid the 2.5g, I moved some DHG and add more moss and moved all dwarf sag to the back right corner, and both shrimp have gotten way bigger so I am pretty sure they molted, the snails are still all in their, I may get a assasin snail for like 3 weeks then return or whatever because I have a apple snail, and a some trumpet snails in my 10g also the saddled shrimp is huge! Its al least 1.5" and still growing, I am thinking it will be the omega female in the 10g.

Also my 10g has columnaris so nothing is going to be added or removed for awhile.

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