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Post Your Shrimp Pics


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DSCF5688 photo is the best representation of what a true macro photo of a JRB could look like. A lot of PRL photos reply on the reflection recreated from the shell of the shrimp's white to enhance the white color but your photo paints it clear as day. That's a jaw dropping specimen.

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DSCF5688 photo is the best representation of what a true macro photo of a JRB could look like. A lot of PRL photos reply on the reflection recreated from the shell of the shrimp's white to enhance the white color but your photo paints it clear as day. That's a jaw dropping specimen.


I think it is 2am in Tokyo and your brain may not be working, or maybe it is mine not working. But sorry mate, I don't quite get what you are talking about. LOL!!! Are you talking about the JRB signature ivory coloured shell?


All these guy just moult few days back and their shell not thick enough. If you are talking about the white area, it will be even more obvious after two weeks of my TLC. Right now, it may not look obvious and only people who see the real shrimp in person before then know what you are talking about. (^_^")y

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Here's some shots I took this morning.

The shrimp in the African fern looks like a shrimp christmas tree.




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I think it is 2am in Tokyo and your brain may not be working, or maybe it is mine not working. But sorry mate, I don't quite get what you are talking about. LOL!!! Are you talking about the JRB signature ivory coloured shell?

Yah I meant to say ivory. I was brain dead with all the traveling that day. I know what you mean now when you said that it's hard to describe what a JRB looks like until you see one in person.

Anywhoses, not sure if I posted these pictures but here it is.



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Yah I meant to say ivory. I was brain dead with all the traveling that day. I know what you mean now when you said that it's hard to describe what a JRB looks like until you see one in person.

Anywhoses, not sure if I posted these pictures but here it is.





they look amazing! how much were they?

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This was one of my Blue Dwarf Shufeldti crays....they normally are brownish in color but I purchased 2 pairs

of blue ones and all of the babies were blue.  Can't find them anymore....pity as they are really cool, and unlike CPO's you can keep a whole tank of them, they are very sociable with one another, and not territorial like the orange ones. 


Some more of my old shrimp pics from 2013 when I was breeding them.

Black Tiger with orange eyes....this one was the darkest of them, the others were more see through striped black...cool one though.

Then my Red Wine baby.



these are my very own hybrids, which I called BENGALS. because they were orange tigers.  Not to be confused with tangerine tigers.  These bred true for 3 generations, then I sold them all.  They were Tangerine Tiger x Red Tiger in the beginning.,..not a planned breeding, just one of my TT decided to climb over my foam divider and have a go at my Red Tiger female.  LOL.



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No when I decided to shut down my tanks last year I sold off all of the bengals to a local shrimp hobbyist.  I don't know if he

kept them up or not....haven't heard from him an a while, so Im thinking he's gone in a different direction.


Pity cause they were really nice orange with the deep black/white tiger stripes and spots.

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