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I purchased 2- 55G food grade water storage containers (those blue ones) 

1 gets 100% RO the other gets all the waste water from the RO unit.  I dont like just putting water down the drain. feels like a huge waste to me. the waste water storage gets used for grass, plants, fills dog bowls, anything where normal water is just fine.


i have thought about putting my Tunze auto top off pump into the my RO storage and then have it fill up a tank on the top shelf that gravity feeds RO water down to float valves on each tank but not sure i have much faith in $2 float valves not failing, then the tank getting low, then the auto top off running and filling up the tank, then the RO unit filling up the storage all going on forever till i catch it.

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Aged water will release co2 as well without the stirring, no?


Really depending on your tap water source. For my case, I don't worry about CO2 that much.


I am more concern about the equilibrium of the salt ions after mixed. Any large quantity of salt (remineraliser) that just enters water are harsh. It needs to go into full equilibrium first. Or else, it will irritate everything in the tank. 

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Just got these gorgeous paracaridina today from BC. Looks like someone poured glitter on it's head.




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Aged water will release co2 as well without the stirring, no?

just saw your post. When I use tap water for my rcs I let it sit in a one gallon container overnight then just dump it in. I measured the PH stability a couple years ago and it took three days for my tap water to stabalize in a 20 gallon garbage can.
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I finally replaced the t8 bulb on the prl tank. What a difference a new one makes! Think java moss corner needs a trim? [emoji14]


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Been two months since I got my first ever Mischlings. Wanted to post an updated picture session on them! Carbons are still around, but hide more often :/. I see my blue bolts every now and then, one was out and about earlier, but my berried has been MIA for a few days.


Photos don't show the whole shrimp, but I have been practicing with camera toys haha.






Special surprise. BABIES!!!!!!!! First hatching since I've had these guys. Haven't seen more than a few, but there are plenty of hiding places. SO EXCITED!!!






Super Special Photo, Mr. Thorny Nerite



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Been two months since I got my first ever Mischlings. Wanted to post an updated picture session on them! Carbons are still around, but hide more often :/. I see my blue bolts every now and then, one was out and about earlier, but my berried has been MIA for a few days.


Photos don't show the whole shrimp, but I have been practicing with camera toys haha.






Special surprise. BABIES!!!!!!!! First hatching since I've had these guys. Haven't seen more than a few, but there are plenty of hiding places. SO EXCITED!!!






Super Special Photo, Mr. Thorny Nerite



I really like the head shots. Which camera and lens are you using?

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I have a Nikon D7000 and used the Tamron 100m 2.8 macro lens. I added a 35mm extension tube to get a bit closer.

Also thanks :)



I also have a D7000.  I try the Zeikos extension tubes.  The 12mm and 20mm tubes works fine, but the 36mm does not auto focus; so I return them.  What extension tube are you using?

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I also have a D7000. I try the Zeikos extension tubes. The 12mm and 20mm tubes works fine, but the 36mm does not auto focus; so I return them. What extension tube are you using?

Sweet! I had recently "upgraded" from a D90 within the year and am really liking it. I use the Kenko auto extension tube set DG. Can't really say how it works with auto though, as I use focus manually.


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