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my south american leaf fish eating


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Wow! Very interesting. First time I ever seen these guys in action.

The pointy schnoozes on them are like heat seeking missiles.

Kinda feel bad for that poor gup in the first video. He needed a caption over his head, "I'm SO screwed!"

Everything gotta eat.



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Very cool!!

Wow they open there mouths so wide!!

What else have you fed them? I know you said ghost shrimps to?

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They have what's called satchel mouths that can open to nearly the same width and height of their body.

I am feeding them feeder guppies, endlers and ghost shrimp. I also have a group of 12 mollies in there that are getting ready to drop fry. I am trying my best to setup a sustainable feeder colony before I get the rest of these guys.

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The down side to keeping endlers in the display is that the leaf fish can eat the adult males and females. That's why I am trying to go with mollies due to their larger adult size. I have a 10g setup for the endlers and will be moving the guppies out side to a container pond when it warms up a little but more.

I will post some further information about my tank later. For a quick reference it's a 125g that I drilled and built my own overflow on the far right end of the tank. I milled the overflow teeth but still have a issue with feeders going down through the plumbing and to the filter. I am going to try to put some SS mesh from Han over the teeth to prevent this. My concern is the flow(1200gph after head) will be to strong and that the mesh will not allow enough flow through

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I actually got ten from a local friend that specializes in breeding oddball's. He has had 2 or 3 batches so far. He has his latest batch growing out as we speak. I will be getting all 4 from that group

The African and Asian leafs are much more readily available but the South Americans are very scarce

I am hoping to eventually build my group up to 10-12. At that rate I will burn through 3-4 dozen feeders per week

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Those are REALLY sweet!  It is interesting how they appear to float right up to their food

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