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Celestial Pearl Danio Fry!!!


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A couple of weeks ago I moved 6 of my CPD's from my display tank into a 10gal tank filled (completely) with a mix of java moss and Subwassertang in an attempt to breed them.  I left them there for probably two weeks and then removed them about a week ago because I decided I was going to use the tank for some Sulawesi's I am bringing in soon.  Well last night I went and looked at the tank and there were a bunch of tiny fry swimming around!  I counted at least 10 but with how thick the moss was I could only see maybe 20% of the tank so I bet there are probably close to 50 of them in there.  I gave them some Mosura Shrimpton last night and will probably add some greenwater to their tank today as well.  When I gave them the Shrimpton I could see them darting around and eating it.  I will try and get some pictures but I don't know if I will be able to get any decent ones with how tiny the fry are and how much they move around.

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So here are the pictures....considering how tiny they are and how fast they move I think they came out ok







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I counted at least 20 the other day but there are likely more in there since that was just the ones in the top inch or two of water.  The CPD's I used for breeding were probably 2 years old so if I had used younger stock I may have gotten more.  I will probably try and breed them again when I have an extra tank they can use, it has been pretty simple so far :)

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I haven't been trying and I have at least 6 fry in the last couple months.  People say the adults eat the fry, however they have been swimming amongst the adults and I haven't seen any go after them.  Of course, the others may have been eaten.  Who knows?


I just feed flake, so they are not used to eating love food.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They are growing pretty quickly so far and I have at least 20 of them still :)

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