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Anyone get shrimp stuff for Christmas???


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I didn't get anything related to shrimping for Christmas except for the pintos that I bought for myself. That doesn't really count. So, I was wondering if anyone received or gave something related to shrimp for Christmas?

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I got money for shrimp. Also got a gift card with instructions to buy something besides shrimp...which I am ignoring and SO spending on shrimp.

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Oh yeah, I got shrimp stuff!


Shrimp Chips

Shrimp Scampi

Shrimp Tempura

Shrimp Flavored Noodles


Trolled by my own family. xD



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Nope - they think my new shrimp addiction is slightly odd... lol


My older son came home for the holidays, looked at my 10 gallon snowball tank and said "Where are the fish?" When I told him that there are no fish, the tank is only for the shrimp... he looked at his brother and then changed the subject. ha ha

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I got the same reaction as Crazyfishlady.  We have a huge xmas eve gathering ... Person after person looked in the tank and said how beautiful it was and "Where are the fish" ?   They lost interest when I told them there werent any. (except the ottocats) 


But in my stocking I got  Blue diamond, alder cones and some food samples.   Yes Im in my 40s but my family still does stockings lol.   The adults all pick names and do a stocking for the person they pick. 

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Yeah...the fam wouldn't get me shrimp stuff. But I did get some cash which I put towards a Nikon D5200 which was on sale today. Pretty shrimp pics to come!

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I had the same reaction to my shrimp tanks. At Christmas dinner they asked what was in them. When I said shrimp, they responded "to eat?"


At first I dismissed those sorts of comments, after months and months I becoming more and more annoyed when people ask that or "how big do they have to get before you can eat them".

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No shrimp stuff here.  I get to declare anything shrimp related I do though as "for the business" so I give myself gifts throughout the year

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ha ha - we should start a 'what shrimp people are tired of hearing' thread. Glad to know it isn't just me.


My coworkers also give me 'the look' when I pull out my phone and say 'I have to show you guys this pic of my shrimp I took'. ha ha


Another reason I am glad I found this forum... you all understand :)

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My family are actually much more stumped by my frog than any of my tanks. "But ... where is it? Does it DO anything? Why do you have one again?"

I have credit at my two favorite stores waiting for when I can restock now. :)

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