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Skrimps dying! (need help)


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I did a week and a half and my tank has been good since. After months of one or two at a time deaths paraguard seems to have done the trick.   Make sure to take out your carbon or purigen.     On the other hand,   I have a carbon with a white middle that I had dropped in my parents fish tank.. he lived for months .  When my father decided to get rid of his tank, I caught him again. He was still white in the middle.  There is a pic posted of him somewhere.   So I put him in a bowl of water with some moss. Ive been treating with paraguard every day for about 2 weeks.  he is still alive and still white in the middle.   So either the paraguard isnt working on him, or he doesn't have an infection.     I can't decide what to do with him.  lol.     I can't just leave him in this tupperware bowl!


Just found his pic.. here he is.. 


Edit  PS.  I just squirted a ton of Puddles tea into his bowl.  


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d3r, i once had deaths... sometimes a tank reset is all that it needs to do the trick... :) sometimes unfounded dead shrimp spreads infection if left in the tank, could be eaten and thus spreading the bacterial infection or worse polluting the water...


It spreads too, one thing that i learned to do was have a small 5 gal as my quarantine tank... have newly arrived shrimp housed there for 5 days while gradually making sure they are fully recovered and free of bacterial infection before housing them in their perspective tanks...


i made a mistake of housing my carbon rilis with some of my chocos in the choco tank, the results were not pleasant... so i had to learn from experience the hard way...


im midway through the process of restocking a red rili only tank with about 60 rilis... so keeping my fingers crossed i would be able to come up with a successful colony in the next two months...

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Hmm interesting...ill keep that in mind. So far the paraguard troubleshoot is going well..day 5..deaths have stopped.

However I think I have all Females so they cant repopulate on their own :(

Ima keep treating and let you guys know if anything changes n move on to the next suggestion.

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If I were to plant..itd be low light hardy plants that dont need Co2. Personal preference.

Day 8. Still no more deaths..so im thinking parasites were the cause..probably from having the temp so high at first?

Ill continue to treat for another week before re-stocking the tank for round 2 xD.

thanks all.

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I think you may have gotten shrimp that have had bacterial infection prior to you receiving them. If they are turning milky white then it is bacterial and more than likely with out treatment they will to just continue dying. You can try Seachem Paraguard but if they are dropping at the rate they are going now, you soon will not have anything to treat. I am sorry you are having a bad first experience but I would not let this discourage you from a future try with some good stock to start out with. Hope this helps.

I agree. I think your shrimp were sick when you got them. Your water parameters did not seem like they were far enough off to kill them. Sorry you had such a bad experience your first try. It is usually not that hard to keep cherry shrimp as they are very hardy and adaptable. Dont give up!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So ive been treating with paraguard (too little too late) as ive got 2 left.

they are active and "normal" now unlike how theyve been before so I think I FINALLY got it under control n ready for a restock (will be buying from someone on here or a lfs this time around.)

I will continue to treat til the bottle is gone but do either of these shrimp look sick? My 2 strong survivors!



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You can also try purchasing some from local breeders in your area or breeders on this forum. You would probably get a better deal, as well as healthier shrimp, since it comes from their own collection :)


Good luck, and glad you figured out the problem!

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