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Coincidence or should I be worried?

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Hi. I have had a tank set up for approximately the last 6 months, it was housing 4 king Kong and 10 f1 hybrids. Over the last 10 days I have lost 2 KK and 1 f1. The first thing I did was to check parameters each time and absolutely nothing has been showing wrong. 2 of my f1 are currently carrying eggs ( although one seems to have dropped all but 1 of them in the first 2 days) I'm a little worried as its the first time I've had any losses since they were introduced 4 months ago! Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Ph 5.8

Kh 0

Gh 5

Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate all 0

Tds 162

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The last water change was around 3 weeks ago and onlyh around 10%. 1 filter was cleaned in old tank water as flow had slowed down but no media changed (I run 2 HOB and 1 sponge). Truth be told, I'm a little scared to tinker with the tank at all! Regular top offs done using pure RO every 3 - 4 days and I actually drip it in overnight so as not to upset anything. The odd dead leafs are removed using tweezers etc and I use SS remineraliser if required.

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I always rinse anything I use in a bit of old tank water before hand. I'm wondering if it's possibly a molting issue, it's fairly rare that I see many skins lying around although the tank is planted quite a bit. If it was a failed molt would it be obvious to spot, and is there anything I can do to help them along? Thanks


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What substrate are you using? Look's like akadama, if it is I have heard after about 6 months it starts messing with GH and could cause molting issues. Has any type of spays like air freshener/cleaning aerosols been used in the area?

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It is akadama yes, my Gh seems to be ok and following the calculations works out at 5.56. As far as cleaning products, we only ever use a steam cleaner in the living room. I've always had open top tanks and I'm sad to say I learnt pretty quick from previous mistakes not to use aerosol and disinfectants etc. This is why I'm really puzzled as to what's happening

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Ro is purchased from local store and has a tds of around 005ppm, it's stored in a white plastic container with lid and lasts around 2wks. I check the tds each time before use and it maybe rises to around 007ppm by the time I'm due to collect more. As far as hydra/planaria are concerned I'm 99% sure there is none in there. I checked the tank before work this morning, lights off and it was pretty busy. KK were out and looked happy, so I'll have to check when I get home to see if anything else has happened. Fingers crossed it's all good! Thanks for your replys

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What has your regular water change schedule been for the past four months? I will almost always start seeing dead shrimps in my tanks once it hits the three weeks mark without a water change. I know some people recommend not changing the water at all, but this has been the case for me, so I thought I would make this suggestion. I do want to know what the schedule has been like though.

Also, if it's a bad molt, sometime you can see loose molt attached to the dead shrimps. You can also sometimes see more of a yellow color around the mouth/face/front legs area, which is likely loose shell. This is however only obvious on freshly dead shrimps. If they are having molting issues, I'd recommend slowly dropping the GH/TDS (and this may take care of the water change too). Keep us updated.

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Every third Sunday is my routine at around 15 - 20%, with just regular top offs due to evaporation in between. This schedule is only because I've also read not to mess too much if everything is happy. When I have had planted fish tanks it was actually twice weekly changes due to ferts etc, so I initially found it hard to not do the same with shrimp! Even now, my parameters seem to rarely change during those 3wks but I feel a water change is a must. If I were to lower my Gh/TDS over the next week or so, to what values would you suggest?

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I think minerals are some how depleting from the tank or diluted to the point the shrimp cant make use of them, I would suggest weekly10%  wc with fresh re mineralizer and maybe a mineral rock/old sea mud. A product like bt-9 may help also, when I do a wc I replace minerals both macro/micro I also add beneficial bacteria, microbes and enzymes.  

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That sounds worth a try thanks, it's something I haven't actually thought about but it stands to reason that if I'm constantly adding fresh ro then things will be getting diluted over the course of time. I have placed a few mineral balls into the tank but I know that these release very slowly over time. I'll be getting something ordered later on this evening. Again, thanks very much for all the suggestions, help and advice is pretty hard to come by in the UK.

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