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At what age can shrimp be rehomed/sold?

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I know someone posted a topic, but I can't find it so I will just ask.


I do remember that post talked about 'size' determining when they can go. Well, I can't imagine getting any of my shrimp to put there heels against the glass and hold still while I measure (joke). Silly question, so I just look at a tape measure, find a certain 'size' and then eyeball it? I would never want to send off shrimp that are too little. My first batch of babies is only just shy of 3 weeks old.


Is there an 'age' that is more preferable? I am not planning on shipping, just local trade at some point.


I was able to lose count at 50 baby snowballs this morning with 2 more berried females so at some point, this will be an issue... lol Right now there are two sizes of babies. That count was only around the feeding dish when I put some blood worms in. There were many more zipping around so I finally gave up trying to count. ha ha

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size isn't the real problem most shrimp are fine to ship before they reach 1/4 inch, instead think of it this way if you spent $3 per shrimp or how ever much for how many wouldn't you be upset if you got babies? For this I send mostly adults and some juvies and what ever babies get stuck in the mix are free. But that's just me

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Depends on the buyer; some like to buy pee wee shrimp because they are generally cheaper, some like adults because they think they'll breed faster.  I prefer juveniles because I believe the acclimate better and I know they aren't old breeders who are gonna drop dead soon.  As long as you and your customer are clear of what you're sending out, I don't think there is a set rule.

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Ok - I won't be shipping (at least that is what I tell myself). there are enough locals around here and with 50+ babies right now and 2 berried females... I will be just looking for local folks down the road... when I am overrun by them... lol

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When I buy shrimps I usually try to get sub adults to adults. I can see them better when they are in my tanks. And if it is expensive one's I ask for actual photos of the one's I'm buying. But for shipping purpose 1/4" or bigger is usually what I see people shipping.

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Well no 'shipping' on my part and the nice things about snowballs - their color is their color, lol  But OMGosh it kinda looks like it is snowing in tank with so many babies zipping all over the place, ha ha

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