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Shrimp question

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I still refer to this chart quite a bit when having trouble remembering what will breed with what. The standard rule is all Neo's will cross and likely revert to wild without selective breeding. Similarly, Caridinas will cross. Planet Inverts "Will these shrimp interbreed?" chart


I think people sometimes cross them for a single generation or so to see if they can bring out new gene, but if left to their own devices, the dominant wild types usually resurface. Also, Blue Diamonds are notorious for not breeding true, if I remember, so they may be even less stable, although I could see the appeal in trying to get some of those nice, royal blue colors into the rilis!


I'll let our resident shrimp breeders chime in with more detail!

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really no telling. some times crossing results in wilds right off the bat some times it takes a while. and some times you get something interesting. i think it was soothing that crossed red cherry and yellows to make his yellows stronger. i dont think he ended up with wilds but dont quote me on it. and i know when orange neo's first got here most were female and several people crossed yellow with orange, all that really came from that was a color kinda between yellow and orange. some times it works some times it dont. i say give it a show with a couple of each but i would not use whole colonies to start

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Yepper.  I did that out of desperation due to the fact all yellows I had died at a drop of a hat.  They were that sensitive.  After wasting hundred of dollars, it was a last ditch attempt for me to keep yellows and make them hardy.


So did a yellow x red, and in short it worked.  Some wilds were culled, and any red offspring were culled.  It resulted in some pretty dang hardy yellows, but took a couple years.  Then I had to start selecting based on intensity of color.


Not easy to create your own strain, but doable.  It's also where I picked up the theory that same colors reside at different loci.  Take that with a grain of salt.  Heck a whole container of salt.  I have no proof, however anyone else who has tried that cross has wound up with all wilds.


Carbons are thought to have come from chocolates.  I have German imported chocolates that throw the occasional blue shrimp- and they look very much like carbons.


BD are chocolates originally bred for the blue tissue.  Most people don't know that and think they were bred for blue pigmentation on the shell.  The result is that the color thrown are red, blue, black, wildish, etc.


Because they both resulted from choco, you prob would wind up with carbon x BD = blue.  However it would probably wind up with the resulting blue shrimp no longer breeding true.



I have a shrimp myself that I have been working on for a couple years now called Sapphire.  The shrimp I'm aiming for is deep blue and not black.  I get occasional splotches though along the way.  Does this mean they are actually very dark blue carbons?  No idea, and no easy way to tell.  Although these shows up in one of my mutation tanks, the blue on it may still appear blue when crossed with any other neo blue.  Then how do you know if it is the same genetics, different genetics with a dominant gene, or co-dom and co-recessive genes?


That's where knowledge of color and a pocket sequencer would sure come in handy.

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