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What's in your shrimp 'first aid kit' and why?

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It may be the mom in me but I try to learn and then acquire things to have in advance for sickness ... 


I did it for my bettas so now I am trying to get a few 'basics' or 'must haves' for the shrimp for situations that will not allow 3+ days for shipping.


Here is what I have on hand - or plan to get. What do you keep and why? Any suggestions?


- IAL in dried leaves and tea kept in container in the refrigerator

- aquarium salt


- mulberry leaves (dried)

- kanaplex (just got this)

- flourish excel (do not have yet but plan to get)

(Edit because I forgot these two)

- Fenben

- no planaria

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The only thing you will probably need is extra water that is the same parameters as your tank. With shrimp I notice that once they start going it's already to late. So if you are seeing problems just scoop them out and put them in your extra water and most likely some will survive. 

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I clean anything questionable with vinegar and then hot water.

I probably could have done that but the whole thing depressed me and creeped me out. It was just a tiny 1.5 gallon cheapy tank that I used as a QT for my bettas. I just didn't want to chance it.


Hmmm... that means I need another tank... this could be bad

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Sometimes it's better to start over. Plastic can accumulate scratches that can harbor bacteria.

If you do need to disinfect, my microbio textbook advised a solution of 1 part vinegar, 1 part bleach, 8 parts water. Soak for 20 minutes somewhere the ventilation is good, then rinse like mad. And then dechlorinate thoroughly, of course.

I just get the bigger size critter keepers for betta quarantine. They're at least two gallons and you pay a good deal less than you would for a real tank.

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  • 3 months later...

I know this is old, but what about Paraguard?

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I've done a ton of reading on this forum this week anf it sounds like a lot of people are using it as a remedy for lots of stuff.

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I've used paraguard and Melafix with my shrimps and it I didn't kill them... But my blue pearls still seem to have a bacterial infection of some kind. They're slowly dying out.

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I've used paraguard and Melafix with my shrimps and it I didn't kill them... But my blue pearls still seem to have a bacterial infection of some kind. They're slowly dying out.

Have you tried kanaplex? I used it after a got a batch of blues with fungus issues. I lost them - but I had others in the tank (other blues and tangerine tigers). I dosed the tank (after the loss, so I didn't try it on the visibly infected shrimp) and so far (almost 2 weeks now) none of the others seem infected.


It says it's for fungus and bacterial but could be worth a try? I did one spoon the first day (10 gallon tank) and one the second, waited a few days and did a water change and have a ton of IAL in the tank for now.



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I've done a ton of reading on this forum this week anf it sounds like a lot of people are using it as a remedy for lots of stuff.

Looks like I might need to add this to my first-aid kit

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It may be the mom in me but I try to learn and then acquire things to have in advance for sickness ...

I did it for my bettas so now I am trying to get a few 'basics' or 'must haves' for the shrimp for situations that will not allow 3+ days for shipping.

Here is what I have on hand - or plan to get. What do you keep and why? Any suggestions?

- IAL in dried leaves and tea kept in container in the refrigerator

- aquarium salt


- mulberry leaves (dried)

- kanaplex (just got this)

- flourish excel (do not have yet but plan to get)

(Edit because I forgot these two)

- Fenben

- no planaria

What do you use flourish excel for? To replace minerals? I've been afraid to use it in my tanks because I thought I read somewhere that it's not safe with baby shrimp. Maybe I'm going crazy lol. I have this on hand so when I saw this in your first aid kit I was very curious to see what you use it for :)

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Have you tried kanaplex? I used it after a got a batch of blues with fungus issues. I lost them - but I had others in the tank (other blues and tangerine tigers). I dosed the tank (after the loss, so I didn't try it on the visibly infected shrimp) and so far (almost 2 weeks now) none of the others seem infected.


It says it's for fungus and bacterial but could be worth a try? I did one spoon the first day (10 gallon tank) and one the second, waited a few days and did a water change and have a ton of IAL in the tank for now.



I haven't but maybe I will have to, I could possibly hurt at this point

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You know something to consider when dosing a tank is to determine the actual volume of water.  There is a site that gives very useful info on how to determine the actual volume of water.  For instance a 20 gallon long with a substrate only holds 13 gallons of water so it would be easy to overdose if you are adding chemicals for a full 20 gallons.  Sometimes I think that where people run into trouble when dosing with antibiotics, medicines and chemicals.  I'll post a link to that site when I get home this evening.

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You know something to consider when dosing a tank is to determine the actual volume of water.  There is a site that gives very useful info on how to determine the actual volume of water.  For instance a 20 gallon long with a substrate only holds 13 gallons of water so it would be easy to overdose if you are adding chemicals for a full 20 gallons.  Sometimes I think that where people run into trouble when dosing with antibiotics, medicines and chemicals.  I'll post a link to that site when I get home this evening.

That is great information and I have to admit that I have not thought of it that way. A 10 gallon tank was 10 gallons in my mind but it makes total sense that I am wrong thinking that way.


Look forward to the link and thank you!

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