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Just wanted to say I love this forum and thank you all!


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I had to post it for a few reasons. The most immediate is to keep me from telling off a gruff (insert a few unlady like terms here) poster on a FB shrimp page.


Those pages are ok for some things but boy do they help me appreciate this forum and all of you so much more!(not that I didn't already but the comparison is severe).


Where you have all be so kind and patient with me and other newbies, the FB pages can tend to be dotted with 'shrimp snobs' who can make a newbie crawl back into a dark corner and not ask anything.


So - just kinda wanted to thank all of you again - you are awesome! :-)

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You are awesome too crazyfishlady!  FB can get rough sometimes, IMO especially if you're a woman.  Some pay it forward by helping, supporting, and cheering on their fellow hobbyists out, while others enjoy throwing their weight around.  I just like to remember that everyone was once a noob no matter how big their britches have gotten.   

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I can usually just take it with a grain of salt, probably doesn't help that my profile pic is of my 15 yo son in his football uniform, HA HA I have had more than one person reply calling me 'bro' or what not :)


I did have one person find out that I am really an old  lady and confessed they felt bad for the poor teenage boy named Holly. 


Gotta love the wonderful world of FB.


I teach 'insurance/benefits' to people everyday so I truly value and appreciate those willing to 'dummy down' the information. I also enjoy reading the higher level posts between folks with more shrimp time under their belt.


I have never felt uncomfortable asking a question here. When I first sought out a shrimp forum I signed up for 2, this and another.. I haven't look at the other in a long time. :)

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I am glad you guys are enjoying the forum!

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From the very beginning the members here have worked to make this forum a friendly and welcoming place.  A place where over moderation is not an issue because we rely on policing ourselves, and offer knowledge freely to further the shrimping hobby for both newbies and advanced shrimpers.


With close to 40,000 posts now and 670+ members from a year after starting, I consider this site to be an example of what true shrimpers can do together in a friendly atmosphere.  Anyone can have a forum.  It takes teamwork to feel like family!


We're glad you are with us Crazyfishlady. :)

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I keep wandering off to visit other fora and I keep banning myself from going back because of the crazy. (I'm out for the next few days, bronchitis again, and I get incredibly bored when I'm sick.)

I haven't had shrimp in two years now, so you are ALL one up on me for direct experience. And you haven't kicked me out yet! Pretty amazing.

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Chibikaie - I can't imagine you being kicked out of this forum.  You may not currently have shrimp - but I have learned many things from your posts - please keep posting and I hope you feel better very soon.


When I first started keeping shrimp a couple of years ago, I could not keep my cherries alive for very long.  My heart would break everytime I lost some.  My partner kept saying "why don't you just stop trying to keep shrimp? It seems too difficult."  But I found this forum and wa-la, thanks to all your help, I am able to understand and provide the needs for happy healthy CRS and Goldens.  I love my shrimps and really want to provide the best environment I can for them.  I feel like I am able to get there eventually with the help of everyone in the forum. My tank of goldens and CRS are doing so well now.



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I wanted to "like" all of the comments but, alas, I have met my daily max of liking, lol :)


I love the mix of total newbie to "wow" experience and everything in between I think it brings so much more to the forum. Some like scaping (I love it but can't put two rocks together - ha ha), some love the selective breeding. We all bring life and info to the topics (Even us newbies asking a "wth" kinda question which gets people talking about the basics).


So - if I wore hats... I take them off to you all, instead I will just say - I'm glad I found this forum and so are my shrimp :D

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Facebook fish groups are annoying, rude, and are full of people who love to watch someone else fail. Ive deleted all rhe groups i have. A few were based off aquariums and they turned to "adults only" riddled with swearing, obnoxious jokes and porn. I was l ike really? Some are funny but i joined for a fish hobby not to look at trash,

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