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Next step from neos - possible super tigers? feedback please


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No this won't be any time soon and I would like to spread the blame among all of you (with a joking grin of course) but it's just me... they are so addictive!! :)


So - this would not happen any time soon, but people always seem to say "start with RCS (or neos) that is where a beginner should start,so I did.


I love looking at everyone's gorgeous shrimp but I am not ready to tackle (and may never be) the world of active substrate and r/o water (don't hold me to it but that would be a LONG way off, ha ha).


I have googled, "listened' here and other places and tigers seem the next step for beginners.


So I've been checking them out online. Then I stumbled across this beauty, a "super tiger" what ever that means.




The water params look pretty darn close to what I have for the neos.


What do you all think? Is this a good 'next step'? Would it be crazy to put them in with the neos? Are their cons about them that I can't seem to find?


Again - not anytime soon (repeated more to embed it in my own mind ha ha)

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I started with neos, and thought it would be long way off before I jumped into crystal or bee shrimp. I jumped in feet first with a new tank RO water and reminerlizer and am absolutley in love with my TB's. I still like my cherry shrimp but there is just something special about the TB.  I have found the main difference is using RO water, I have two TB tanks now a 7.5g and a 10g and I purchase RO from the wal mart machine at 37c each.  They are actually more stable and hardier than my cherries have ever been.  I also have three neos in the TB tank and they are literally growing like weeds.

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I dont have any personal experience with tigers but they shoud do well in the parameters that you keep your neos in, if you want them I say get them! Although I am full blown shrimp addict myself so take my advice with a grain of salt.

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I started with neos, and thought it would be long way off before I jumped into crystal or bee shrimp. I jumped in feet first with a new tank RO water and reminerlizer and am absolutley in love with my TB's. I still like my cherry shrimp but there is just something special about the TB.  I have found the main difference is using RO water, I have two TB tanks now a 7.5g and a 10g and I purchase RO from the wal mart machine at 37c each.  They are actually more stable and hardier than my cherries have ever been.  I also have three neos in the TB tank and they are literally growing like weeds.

I love all the TBs everyone posts about but I am too chicken, lol. Plus I don't really understand. It almost seems like people put all different color variations in and just let them breed (or am I wrong?).


I will always love my neos, just like my bettas, but once I get some more time and knowledge under my belt I would like to try a new type of shrimp.

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The one big difference with TB's is if you mix them they wont revert to wild colors like neos. Some people really dont like the idea of mixing them because it muddies purity of the offspring. I personally love how they can be mixed and breed to create many different colors and forms like Blue Bolts make Panda, Shadow Panda, etc.  I have found they are much easier than Neos to keep healthy and alive.

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Ive kept these for several years and can safely say they are very easy and forgiving shrimp (unlike theOEBTS and higher grades) The super tiger is recognized by the orange on head and tail, whereas regular tigers have black on head and tail. They are also quite a bit bigger than the regular tiger.

In my experience they prefer the same parameters as Neos, with PH ranging from 7 to 7.6

I kept mine with regular pea gravel, some rocks, driftwood and moss and anacharis & frogbit for

floating plants. They also prefer cooler water, and do well in ranges from 70-72 sometimes even less.

They are aggressive shrimps and will overrun any neos in the tank for food, so if you want to breed

them, maybe keep a separate tank for them. They eat ANYTHING!

I crossed mine with OEBTs and got Blue tigers without orange eyes, but with orange on the tails, some

also had orangish heads but mostly blackish...dark eyed...very cool looking.

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@crazyfishlady- thanks for asking this question as I've been contemplating this same thing. My rcs tank parameters seem perfect for tigers and they wouldnt cross. Sounds like they might not play well in the sandbox together though. Anybody else keep them in the same tank?

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Actually right now I have royal blue, oebt and blue rili, blue dreams all living quite happily in the one tank. The royale blues are smaller than the rest, with the blue dreams and a couple of larger oebt females. So far everyone is playing nice.

Sorry I lost all my older photos a while back when we changed hard drives (think my Hubby deleted a lot)and the dark eyed blue tigers where in a file just marked shrimps, so he probably thought I was done with it.

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Actually right now I have royal blue, oebt and blue rili, blue dreams all living quite happily in the one tank. The royale blues are smaller than the rest, with the blue dreams and a couple of larger oebt females. So far everyone is playing nice.

Sorry I lost all my older photos a while back when we changed hard drives (think my Hubby deleted a lot)and the dark eyed blue tigers where in a file just marked shrimps, so he probably thought I was done with it.

But the super tigers were more aggressive and didn't play nice? Just want to make sure I understand correctly. I don't want tank bullies, lol

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No they aren't bullies, just want 1st dibs at the food. Maybe because they are bigger than most others.  Don't let it put you off them, they are very nice looking shrimps, and in my experience every bit as pretty as OEBTs.  The colors on the head and tail really set them off.


Tigers are my most favourite shrimps and Ive had everything from Neos of every kind, to TBs of every kind, Sulawesi of every kind, CRS/CBS of every grade, and I still come back to Tigers.  To me they are just the coolest looking in any color.


Try them out, if you don't like them, you can always sell Tiger shrimps....no problem!

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I am also interested in tigers. I want to do a new tank with neos and tigers. I too, am just not ready to go RO & active substrate.


Ideally, I'd like something larger than neos, so super tigers sound great, if they do indeed cohabitate. Thanks for the info, Monty703, that is all stuff I had not heard before.

But a few months back somebody on TPT was looking for them and said he'd been looking for a while and not been able to source them.

Tangerine tigers seem like a good second choice, tho.

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I found the Tangerine Tigers a little different....couldn't keep mine in one spot, they crawled over the top of my divider and got into my Red Tiger area....ended up with Hybrids...they were very cool.  If you can find some that are deep orange, they are very beautiful. 


They can be a definite substitute for the Super Tigers if you can't find a source for those.


I never used anything but tap water for my Tigers and still don't.  I even use it with the Galaxy ones and they are doing just fine.   I use Kordon Aqua Plus or Nova Aqua for water conditioner.  Ive just started using the Salty GH/KH for minerals, so will see what that does for them.


Yesterday everyone got a Valentine's gift.....a dose of EROS!   Even my OEBTs were buzzing around, so maybe today there will be molts in the tank.  :D

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