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Hello! new to shrimp and this forum.

nim dibbley

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I have been keeping fish for a long time and i have been looking into doing a small shrimp tank.  I stumbled across this forum looking for info about shrimp and mini aquarium setups.  


I am really interested to see if anyone has experience with some of the under 5 gallon tanks that have built in lights and filtration. Fluval makes several that look appealing to me but most people talk about keeping betas with no plants on the review sites.  


Can anyone help me make a good decision one that would be a good fit for both shrimp and low light plants?


Thank you.

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I have a 4g Fluval view with cherry shrimp.  It works fine but is not ideal for a couple reasons. The first is that it is very tall and has a low water volume to water surface area ratio. Shrimp require high oxygenation. And the second with that particular tank is the intake has to be covered to avoid baby shrimp being sucked into the filter. Both those things being said I have made some adjustments and it works fine for this purpose. An all in one tank under 5 gallons can work fine, you will most likely have to cover the filter intake with SS mesh or prefilter material but its easily remedied. I have found many of the all in one tanks have a dim light so very low light plants are your only option. I had a very low tech 2g jar with shrimp that bred like crazy, I used a desk lamp which upped my lighting and had very healthy plants.

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I have java moss, a marimo ball and java fern growing in a separate tank  I don't want to get too crazy with plants.


So based on that info a shallower tank would be better?  So something like this would be more ideal: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0089E5VLC/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=AH7PBPHZ85HL3

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Yeah that tank would be fine, I really like it because of the filter compartment that you can add media to like a bag of purigen and it should have room for a heater if you need to use one. It will keep the tank uncluttered. You could easily get a piece of SS mesh from Han and silicone it in place over the intake and then its completely shrimp fry safe.

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I have the Solo Current made but Current USA.  I really like it alot.   I believe its 5 gal.


That looks cool, but its really more than i wanted to spend.  I like the look of the Fluval Chi the best and it is a little cheaper than the spec 5.  idk.  i cant decide.

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