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Dream Blues vs Blue Velvets - and intervention may be needed lol


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So, not to stir up any heated debates... but...


Dream blues are just very 'blue' BVs is that correct? I've been drooling over the DBs for awhile and have read that their eggs are either blue or a gray color. BVs eggs are yellow. So now I am questioning that. Do DBs come from selective breeding BVs? I know blue diamonds come from chocolates (well, I should say I THINK I know this, lol).


And I think I need an intervention because I had been searching for the sapphire blue, dark DBs for awhile. 2 places online had them for $95 for 6 (ouch for me). I stumbled across them on ebay but they were snatched up before I could research the seller. Then, the seller had more and... I don't know what happened but my finger clicked the 'buy now' button all on it own (yea, whatever).


I'm not going to mix them with my BVs, so yea...hangs head in shame...


Now to figure out how to set up another tank and pretend that it was always there when my son asks... ha ha


Someone tell me I am not the only one that does this... gads, lol

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Soothing - that makes more sense - coming from carbons. Although, I don't completely understand those either, ha ha I'm guessing they won't breed true but it will be fun to see what happens.


I was taking my son down to his dad's last night and he was discussing what he was going to buy me when he plays for the NFL (one of those dreaming things you know. He is sure he will follow his uncle's footsteps and play in the NFL). He listed fancy cars (no thanks), mansions (ditto on the no thanks). I finally told him I just want a decent running car and a small house with enough room for when he and his brother visit...and of course space for the tanks.


He rolled his eyes and said "So you don't want a Lamborghini but you want room for the fish?" (he calls them all fish). I told him my needs are simple. I laughed, he rolled his eyes again. ha ha

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lol - yea. My son asked me if I would get as excited if he played something other than football. I had to remind him that I put him in gymnastics and karate to AVOID football but that it's his dream. I said if he wanted to be a chef, I would be there on the sidelines yelling "That's my boy... mashing potatoes like a pro!" he asked me to please never do that, HA HA

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lol - yea. My son asked me if I would get as excited if he played something other than football. I had to remind him that I put him in gymnastics and karate to AVOID football but that it's his dream. I said if he wanted to be a chef, I would be there on the sidelines yelling "That's my boy... mashing potatoes like a pro!" he asked me to please never do that, HA HA

LOL this made my night. 

Shrimp noob here, but where do blue velvets and carbons come from? I was under the impression that carbons are from rilis which came from cherries and blue velvets also came from cherries? but you wouldn't want to interbreed them because the blue gene or w/e may be different? 

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You are correct on your beliefs they are color morphs of Neo shrimp. Ad they are color morphs they will cross breed. Some times it works out in your favor as in the development of carbons. However you can and most likely end up with ship with poor coloration and or reversion to there natural color.

have a gneiss day

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