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Planted semi-blackwater tank


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I finally have shrimp!


I picked up around a dozen ghost shrimp (most likely Palaemonetes paludosus) yesterday and drip acclimated them overnight. Two did not make it, but I have a few large females (some carrying eggs, though I have a feeling they might drop them) and some that I am pretty sure are male. I'm hoping to establish a colony over the next few months.

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Sadly, there have been at least four deaths already at only about 10 hours in the tank. Either the berried females all dropped their eggs or they are hiding/have succumbed where I can't find them.

Well, I guess I can always get some neocaridina when the weather is warmer and I'm less likely to lose them in a shipping fiasco.

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My pH monitor arrived, and I finally had time to buy it a battery and calibrate it. So I now am relatively certain that the pH of this tank is around 7.3 - so much for an acidic blackwater environment. (To be honest, the yeast-generated carbon dioxide injection is quite minimal, the starting pH of the tap is 7.5, and normally my tank pH rises to 7.8 or 8.0, so it's a new accomplishment to lower it at all.)

I continued to have shrimp losses, so I will have to see if any of them make it long term.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Those are actually teeny tiny Cryptocoryne wendtii "green" - one of the easiest plants both to take care of and to find (often sold as tissue cultures). They should get about twice as big once they start growing.

I had a heart attack this morning because I only saw one shrimp this morning, and he looked kind of sluggish. I found four just now and they look good, moving around more. I guess it's not going to be easy finding them in that tank! I did not make good color choices!

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They're still alive! *does a little dance*

I can't decide if I want to get a shoal of otocinclus and play it safe, or something riskier.

One of my friends suggested adding tangerine tigers. So many options!

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