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If you ship shrimp......


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All the sellers I have used have been great...no complaints there.  But the USPS is a joke!  They really think that everything is good if they refund the money.  The seller of the shrimp in limbo in California is very concerned and this is not his fault.  It's a pretty helpless feeling to have to depend on the Post Office nowadays.  I have not dealt with a seller that hasn't tried to make things right but I feel bad for the sellers loosing money on shrimp that don't get there or get there dead days later, etc.  Boy they don't mess around with Amazon shipments, though!  That stuff gets here on time or early!

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Usps express is an absolute waste .. 90% of the time it takes just as long as priority. If your seller packages the shrimp properly a few extra days in transit will not harm them.. I have had boxes take longer than 15 days and they were all fine. The hard part for sellers is that there absolutely is dishonest buyers out there. Ive shipped almost a thousand boxes of shrimp the last 2 years and i have come across 2-3 people that were absolutely scamming.. Sending me pictures of dead cherry shrimp saying their oebt showed up dead.. Or saying their shrimp arrived dead and me asking them for pictures of said dead shrimp cut in half and them claiming it was against their religion to do that.. But you know what? I refunded them anyways because of their threat to

Leave negative feedback if i didnt. One negative review can really hurt a business, unfortunately dishonest people know this too.

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I personally try to expect the worst when prepping things (no shrimps, yet) for shipping, so I provide as much protection for things as possible. Yes, it often costs a bit more, and hopefully it is not needed.

Why wouldn't you double bag things?

Especially if kordon bags can actually be doubled? Perhaps it does cut down on the gas exchange potential, but a leak/break is more catastrophic.

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Ahhhh. I understand now. It's more assurance for the seller. I can totally see a smarty pants buyer trying something like that!

Side question- has anyone refused to sell to specific people before?

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Wow..it would never even occur to me to do those things (claim a shrimp was dead if it wasn't, etc). Our business has had a few scams also. If you commit to A+ customer service then you have to be willing to bite the bullet if someone makes a claim you believe is false. Fortunately we have only had a couple of these. By the way...the shrimp that were still on the west coast last night? According to tracking this morning are here and going out for delivery today. Fingers crossed.

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Love to if you're selling!  You have beautiful ones.  And you are right....so much less hassle to get them local!!!

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Well they finally got here (Saturday).  They are in good shape and very active.  Jason packed them really well so I am going to try to recover from shrimp stress with wine and steak tonight!  How good does that sound?? 

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Luke - at least you're getting replacements.... I received an order from a large breeder - bag came ripped with dead shrimp, and somehow this has become my fault - no I didn't get to the package within his 2 hour time frame - however this was not a timing issue - THE...BAG...WAS...RIPPED!!! I'll be more than happy to pass along this breeders name either here or through a pm. If it ok to pass the name along in this forum I will gladly do so - but I want to make sure not to break with protocol.

I have always felt (no matter what I send or how it's sent) that if I am taking money - the product is still my responsibility until the purchaser receives it in satisfactory condition.

Somehow I have rationalized this whole thing with this d-bag - as a fool me once moment. I will make it my life mission to ensure that I do everything I can to make sure no one buys from this place again

I've been here for a little while now - and think that I created a bit a credibility. If I am wrong please, someone tell me


if the seller doesn't send a replacement (free of charge) or a full refund,dispute the charge.

whatever the policy the seller has doesn't mean anything.


i got a shipment with just the pink insulation stuff,but my story ended better.


first off,priority boxes are not strong,even in the USPS manual says if you ship "live fish" your not allowed to use priority boxes.

that pink stuff does nothing if the box takes a hit.

though,if packed good the boxes are fine.


i bought 10 "young adult".

the box came with a dent in it and all wet.

the bag was popped.

i see some movement,so i dumped them in the tank.

7 were alive.

a few died the next day,but there were 2 females with eggs that lived.

now i have at least 30 babies!  :D

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