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What's the rule on water changes?


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Hey guys, so I've made a thread the other day which I spotted babies and I also spotted a berried rcs. Well I looked into the tank and saw three more females saddled up. I read somewhere that if they molt? It should lead to them getting berries right? And in order to get them to molt , Id need to do a water change? If that's so, how will it effect the babies and the already berried rcs?

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Babies will be just fine. For the berried females try to do a slow WC with a drip system if you're worried about forcing a molt.


This is my personal routine that works for me so don't take it as an absolute:


Do top-off with pure ro water daily and once a month I do a 10% WC with remineralized water. Seems to keep all berried females stress free and shrimp molt when they're ready. I noticed I use to get molts that look like pieces or thin but now I only see thick full body molts.

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IMO stressing them to force a moult isn't the best way to get them to berry.


Let them mature and they'll berry when ready and keep them healthy and they'll produce tonnes of babies.  My PRL females berry up within days of releasing their last baby and I don't have to do anything special.

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I agree with Ron, I do a 15% or so WC every two weeks. Occaisonally if my TDS is getting particularly high I will do a larger WC, but never more often than two weeks. My shrimp dont even flinch when I do the change and berry up whenever they are ready.

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My once a month 10% WC is not induce them to molt and force berry. I do the 10% WC to keep the tank healthy and avoid crashing. 


Mine molt and become berried on their own accord so the RO top-off just keeps the tank at a stable parameter since it;s small amounts on a daily basis.  

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Echo - going to say the same thing.  Water change to force them to molt is not a recipe for success.  If you have females with saddles for a long time...say a month to six weeks... and you want to encourage them I'd rather use a chiten supplement like BorneoWild Dance.  http://www.theshrimptank.com/breeding-aids/borneowild-dance-40ml/  However the use of products like Dance is also somewhat controversial.

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Babies will be just fine. For the berried females try to do a slow WC with a drip system if you're worried about forcing a molt.


This is my personal routine that works for me so don't take it as an absolute:


Do top-off with pure ro water daily and once a month I do a 10% WC with remineralized water. Seems to keep all berried females stress free and shrimp molt when they're ready. I noticed I use to get molts that look like pieces or thin but now I only see thick full body molts.

Greenteam how you manage to keep nitrate low if you only do water change once a month? My nitrate is around 5ppm after WC and in one week it's raising to 10ppm so I have to do around 30% WC every week to keep nitrate low.

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I don't use purigen or anything fancy just plants and eheim filter.

I honestly never test nitrate as long as TDS looks ok then I'm good. I do a basic check of Gh and Kh from time to time but that's about all the testing I do.

Same here. I have used purigen and think it's excellent but not necessary.

You can select for plants that are nitrate sponges. Hornwort, elodia, and floaters particularly dwarf water lettuce. All those are water column feeders.

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Purigen buddy.

I guessed so. Red a lot about the magic of purigen and planning to try it soon. In one of my small tank with only air sponge filter I've got frogbit and water lettuce and nitrate is always 0 or very low, but in 20ga I've got external filter and if I put floating plants they floating around because of the current and the leaves become damaged and start rotting so the only option I think is purigen in the filter.

The only thing I'm wording about if purigen absorbing organic waste that's mean it's going to starve nitrogen bacteria and if bacteria die it ruin the circle. Do you think it's possible?

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Purigen really works. I have 6 Red Belly Piranhas and you know how they get that water dirty. Before using Purigen the Ammonia levels were really dangerous and I had to do 30% WC twice a week. Now just twice a month, they even smile at me :)

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I guessed so. Red a lot about the magic of purigen and planning to try it soon. In one of my small tank with only air sponge filter I've got frogbit and water lettuce and nitrate is always 0 or very low, but in 20ga I've got external filter and if I put floating plants they floating around because of the current and the leaves become damaged and start rotting so the only option I think is purigen in the filter.

The only thing I'm wording about if purigen absorbing organic waste that's mean it's going to starve nitrogen bacteria and if bacteria die it ruin the circle. Do you think it's possible?

Not sure about that but if you're going to have purigen in your filter at all times, there's nothing to worry about.

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I guessed so. Red a lot about the magic of purigen and planning to try it soon. In one of my small tank with only air sponge filter I've got frogbit and water lettuce and nitrate is always 0 or very low, but in 20ga I've got external filter and if I put floating plants they floating around because of the current and the leaves become damaged and start rotting so the only option I think is purigen in the filter.

The only thing I'm wording about if purigen absorbing organic waste that's mean it's going to starve nitrogen bacteria and if bacteria die it ruin the circle. Do you think it's possible?

This will not happen. Technically you can cycle with Purigen though it takes longer. Also if the purigen is after the bio media then the magic still happens in the bio media first.

It's not so good that it sterilizes the tank.

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This will not happen. Technically you can cycle with Purigen though it takes longer. Also if the purigen is after the bio media then the magic still happens in the bio media first.

It's not so good that it sterilizes the tank.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Great I have just ordered 500ml of that magic beans :-)

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Not many stores selling purigen in uk even couldn't find it on eBay but I've managed to find one online store and price was ok (around 50dollars for 500m).

I've received purigen on Tuesday, added 100ml in the filter and next morning i tested nitrate and it drops from 10 too 0. I couldn't believe it, that's amazing stuff!

What I've also noticed that my water cleaned up a bit of tannin. Does purgen remove tannin from the almond leaves too?

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