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Tibee, mischling, crystal journal


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Thank you. Hank you vwy much. So I know nothing of Tb and tibee still learnnf as I go. Can you selectively breed tibee? Say you have psuedo tibeesm orange body with the usual black get and white stripes aide to sidem and you want only black stripes on an orange body. Is it possible?

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Looks what I got in today!!! Super excited about this batch. The golden bees carry bb genes. And I got a bb!!! So the changes of tb coming from this tank are greatly enhanced. Everything in the tank Cary's the genes for bkk, shadows, wr, bb, Snow White, and then you add the tibee into the mix. I'm expecting great things once the tb mature a bit more. When they are of mature age I will start isolating them and then breeding them with tibee and crystals. Even with eachother but I want to see what comes out of it by breeding the tb with tibee.

Can anyone tell me what kind of moss this is?




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Just adding a some more photos here. Love taking photos. Can anyone tell me or give me some links to a macro lense for nokia lumia 920 I've tried and can't find a decent one.

Oh and a baby hummingbird fell out of its nest in my backyard. So I put him back :)








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He's just about old enough to fly as he is sitting on the edge of the nest. I think the Hevesy wind blew him down. But he's doing well right now. Haha

As for breeding I'm seeing some interesting tibees popping out as shrimplets. I spotted a creamy white body one with little black

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Love the photos! Keep them coming, everyone!....

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I've been having some fun with the Marco lens the past two days. But I need to figure out how to adjust the iso and shutter speed on my phone so I can get a nice un blurry still shot of meh shrimp.

But here are some shots from my tank. Out of the 50 I took these were the best..

Got 7 berried mamas right now. Curious what is going to pop out next.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Peekaboo!!! Haha I found a few golden (appears to be) shrimplets playing hide and seek in my crypt affinis metallic red. And what I can't tell right now but may be a wine red??? Idk he's to young to tell. And I'm getting confused on how to tell tb and crs apart. I was told the face is colord on tb but I have some crs that have red faces as well same with CBS. Anyone care to enlighten me




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