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Help me build my first shrimp tank journal.


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That's what I thought. I think I can remove almost all of it, then since it low light Spirogyra won't grow as fast.

For my 6 gallon I dropped the photo period to 4 hours and raised the light 1". Some people have had success with a 3 day back out, but I would prefer not to do that cause of my plabts.


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Yea easier to reduce the photo period and try to fix what is wrong with it to begin with.


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Problem is I made a custom mounting system for my light since it's a triangular tank. When I did this I assumed I was in the medium light range, my plants are growing like it's high light. Anyways to raise the light would mean a re-design which in itself isn't bad, but last night when I tried to pull my mounting system I found out that the stainless steel rods I bought were miss labeled and rusted, causing them to be stuck in place.

Just going to take more brain storming.


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No real updates right now, one of my friends is bending up the light hood for me currently so most likely wont have an update until next week.


I am not sure how the dry start is going, I don't see any new growth out of the fissidens and I am keeping it nice and humid. the light is just natural light plus a sunlamp for now. I feel like I should have seen some new growth already, but am starting to contemplate just filling the tank to get the cycle moving.


Anyone know how I can tell easily if the moss is attached already or not without filling the tank? Any visual sings or is it just pull on one and see if it bring up the substrate with it?

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I did fill it halfway yesterday, another 1/4 today. Tomorrow will be the full fill and moving air pumps and such in. It did it this way just to check the de-rimming job.

I started attaching flame moss to the stainless steel mesh, and I bought some mini rose moss and a nana micro from h4n. Holy Crap the micro is small, it really makes me think the nana petites I have in my other tank aren't really petites (I did not buy the "petites" through h4n)

The light will be done this week as-well. Just have to solder then ends after having the structure bent for me.

The heater is in the water hopefully heating to 80° (not quite fully submerging the thermometer yet). I way over bought on the heater, at 150 watts, figuring it would be easier in this tank and work in my 55 gallon in a couple years when that is set up. I neglected to think how long the heater would be so it looks really funny. We'll see how it works before I buy yet another heater.

The fissidens did not attach at all and is somewhat floating slightly above the substrate in place. I am hopping some smaller piece successfully attached but don't know for sure. Right now since there is very little water movement it's fine but once I get the Sponge filters up and going I think I will lose alot of it. I most likely will have to buy more and use stainless steel mesh (I am really bad at cutting correct shapes of this)

Sorry no pictures to update with, I was attaching moss all night. H4n was very generous on the "golf ball" size which is amazingly helpful to get the filled in look faster. I'll try to take some pictures tomorrow.

Right now my biggest concern it not transferring the spyro to this tank, but transferring the benificial bacteria. One sponge filter has been sitting in a 5 gallon bucket of water getting feed ammonia for awhile (after being in my 6 gallon for a month). It looks like there is no spyro, but I'm so worried about it that I might just forego the pre-cycled spong and dip it in peroxide... all the plants I plan on moving over will get the same dip plus a algea fix dip.


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Light is done, it's filled and cycling. I'm adding ammonia in everyday, hopefully it will cycle fast. I'm not even going to check anything till a week or two in.

Heres some pics... I need to get some for stainless steel mesh, I don't like the stuff I currently have.


The fissidens laying around is pissing me off but I will deal with it later.

I got bored today, had acouple of hours to spare, and had to clean up some left over glass from building my 6 gallon, sooooooo I built a grow out tank, or at least I think that's what it is. It's the best size I could make with the glass shapes I had laying around.



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Ugh I wish I had spare money now!!! I wish I could open a full blown breeding warehouse haha. I want/need everything haha. Gotta dream big right?


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Awesome man looks great! How many gallons?


I think it's around 3ish gallons. honestly I just cut the largest prices I could that still got me a low narrow tank. It's some thing like 15" x 7.5" x 7.75" but that's just a ruff guess off of what I think I can remember.

And tell me about it, while I sometimes like the diy part (stress sometimes) it's takes so much mote time and makes everything 10 times harder even before dealing with mistakes. Plus I'm tried of searching to the best of the cheapest, so much mote research is involved. oh well, can't complain too much, I'm lucky to afford 2-3 hobbies even if I cheap out on all 3 instead of just commenting to 1.


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What works good to smooth out the edges of glass is a dremel. Makes you cringe the first time you do it, wear glasses and gloves. It will smooth the sharp edges out and keep you from cutting yourself.

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What works good to smooth out the edges of glass is a dremel. Makes you cringe the first time you do it, wear glasses and gloves. It will smooth the sharp edges out and keep you from cutting yourself.

Actually my dad does stained glass stuff so I barrow a glass edge grinder from him. It's nice, since it's a wet grinder it takes away some on the cringing.

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Oh nice! I need one lol


to be honest I'm not sure I would spend money on one. I guess it does the job, but I don't think better them a Dremel if not worse. it could cause if for some reason my line gets kind of curvy, I can correct it easily.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the no update. The tanks is just cycling so really nothing to post as it sits.

I put tester mountain minnows in to see how they do. So far they are doing great.

I want to test the parameters at least a few more times, do a large water change. Then tester am amanos go in to both test it for shrimp and eat some of the algea. If they do well I will be ordering the malawas soon and hopefully get all set up for some breeding.


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Haha, I did pick up (2) 10 gallons and a 20L. But no room to set them up. I have a 55 waiting too.

I finally have my first baby cherries so I'm excites, another female just berried too. But the current babies kept getting kinda stuck in the filter even though it's 30 ppi. They stay on top (I think some might have died I haven't seen), so I saved it with a syringe. I then put some stainless steel mesh I've to protect them, and I have no idea how, but they keep getting by it. So I keep saving them. I need to get a another filtration system up but no time too.


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Haha, I did pick up (2) 10 gallons and a 20L. But no room to set them up. I have a 55 waiting too.

I finally have my first baby cherries so I'm excites, another female just berried too. But the current babies kept getting kinda stuck in the filter even though it's 30 ppi. They stay on top (I think some might have died I haven't seen), so I saved it with a syringe. I then put some stainless steel mesh I've to protect them, and I have no idea how, but they keep getting by it. So I keep saving them. I need to get a another filtration system up but no time too.


Use the fluval edge filters or equivalent they sell cheap ones on eBay. I use them on all my tanks got a huge pack of them.


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