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Anyone keep Indian shrimp? Zebras, Babaulti, etc


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I've been looking for tank mates for me rcs as well and came across these on Amazon. The price isn't bad and they seem to breed 50/50 green and orange. But besides that I don't find too much else on them.

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I've been looking for tank mates for me rcs as well and came across these on Amazon. The price isn't bad and they seem to breed 50/50 green and orange. But besides that I don't find too much else on them.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

Just looked at them on amazon and it looks there is only one seller and and just to warn you I had a bad experience and so did my brother.

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Just looked at them on amazon and it looks there is only one seller and and just to warn you I had a bad experience and so did my brother.

Would you mind sharing? If not can you pm me? I just sold some plants and rcs locally and have enough to buy some mew shrimp. Really interested in these for my rcs tank or the yellows they have for my oebt tank.

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Would you mind sharing? If not can you pm me? I just sold some plants and rcs locally and have enough to buy some mew shrimp. Really interested in these for my rcs tank or the yellows they have for my oebt tank.

Made a large plant order ($280) in Aug. This order was a packaged deal. Low light required plants, supposed be certain amount of plants, certain types of plants. I didnt get everything I was supposed to and instead substituted and got some plants that required more lighting and the quality was very poor.  My brother purchased some RCS. They took his money ,3 weeks later he found out about his shipment and told him they ran out of stock, took to many orders and he would have to wait another 2-3 weeks. Dont take peoples money if you dont have the inventory. The reason why he found this out three weeks later is because it took them that long to reply back.


I have ordered from from several members and sponsors and they will tell you that Im very easy to deal with.


Now this could be isolated. I had warned my brother before hand and he wanted to roll the dice and take a chance.

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yup i have them but i am in Canada




There is also a blue babaulti going around.  


So fair i would concur with what others have said.  Breed slow, have large clutches of babies but lower survival rate amongst them in general.  Also take awhile to settle in if they are a fresh import...

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Seems like the same seller on Amazon. I don't have an aqua bid account anyways and probably best not to ha.

Yea i wouldn't want to breed these I'd just want some in my rcs tank to add to rhw swarm of colors.

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Seems like the same seller on Amazon. I don't have an aqua bid account anyways and probably best not to ha.

Yea i wouldn't want to breed these I'd just want some in my rcs tank to add to rhw swarm of colors.

I thought one is from OR/WA and the other from IN. It could be the same.

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Hello people,

I am from India and keep Indian shrimps and breed them.

The green babaulti and green hodgarti breed true and if some one is selling green babulti in orange, yellow color then avoid buying them. When the green shrimps are stressed they turn to orange and when orange/red there are very low chances of survival.

The green shrimp breeds true, and all the babies I got are true green.

About the breeding, if parameters are right then they breed heavily but the babies takes a lot of time to grow. Same with green babaulti and hodgarti. But the other babulti like white backed, zebra there babies grow a bit faster than the green ones.

In babaulti there is blue, black, orange color so check what exact species is there before buying.

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Hello people,

I am from India and keep Indian shrimps and breed them.

The green babaulti and green hodgarti breed true and if some one is selling green babulti in orange, yellow color then avoid buying them. When the green shrimps are stressed they turn to orange and when orange/red there are very low chances of survival.

The green shrimp breeds true, and all the babies I got are true green.

About the breeding, if parameters are right then they breed heavily but the babies takes a lot of time to grow. Same with green babaulti and hodgarti. But the other babulti like white backed, zebra there babies grow a bit faster than the green ones.

In babaulti there is blue, black, orange color so check what exact species is there before buying.

Thanks for the information.

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