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FS: Shrimp, Crays, Fish

Soothing Shrimp

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Shipping on Mondays and Tuesdays to continental US only.  All shrimp prices include shipping!




Blue Velvets - $49.50 for 10 insulated priority shipped.



Chocolate Diamond Shrimp -  10 for 39.50 shipped insulated priority


This is the chocolate strain that throws occasional black, blue, red, rili, etc to have a rainbow in your tank that won't revert back to wilds.  The blue diamond strain was a selection from these.  Just browns sent...  anywhere in continental US.




Chocolate - 10 for 39.50 shipped insulated priority.





Splotched Carbons - 10 for 55.00 shipped insulated priority.  Mix of blue and clear tissue, with black splotches.






Malawa - 10 for 29.50 shipped insulated priority.  This is hands down the hardiest shrimp I've ever had.





Red Claw Shrimp [Macrobrachium sp.] - 5 for 50.00 shipped insulated priority - unsexed juvies

These get to be around 3" and will eat just about anything as they are omnivores- including hair algae, flakes, etc.


 Blue Mini Diminutus Crayfish [Cambarellus diminutus] 3 for $55 shipped insulated priority - unsexed older juvies/young adult
Still very rare in the hobby.  Adults are as big as dwarf shrimp, and smaller than cpo.  The babies can be compared to newborn dwarf shrimp as well.  The blue color is enhanced with ph below 7.  Above 7 they tend to be more black.  Smaller and not as aggressive as CPO.  They feed well on flake food.



CPO aka Mexican Orange Crayfish [Cambarellus patzcuarensis] - 3 for $35 shipped insulated priority -  unsexed juvies to young adult unsexed.

Larger than diminutus, with that florescent orange color.  Provide plenty of hiding and climbing spots (loose moss is perfect.)  Adult size is around 1"-2".  Flake does fine for feeding and the occasional ramshorns will be taken as well.



Marmorkrebs aka Self Cloning Marbles [Procambarus fallax f. virginalis] - 2.50 ea for babies/juvies/young adults.  
Best for using cray fry as feeders for fish/turtles/etc. to condition for breeding.  Tip: Freeze fry when appropriate size, or you'll be over run with crays! They berry as early as 2" long and can have hundreds of fry at one time.  Opportunistic, although in general not aggressive with each other unless not enough food.  As with all crays, claws or arms can be lost in skirmishes, but grow back usually within the next molt.  My pet has grown ~6" large.


Convict fish- unsexed ~ 1/2"...$1 ea.





Gold see through guppies with half black gene- prehit adult trio $10

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