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High Nitrates

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So probably a stupid question, but would levels of nitrates in the 40ppms kill off TBs? They were all fine for the first two months then I took out the purigen and the nitrates went up. Now they're been slowly dying off. I can't think of anything else that's changed. 

My prls in the tank next to them are doing good with two berried ones, they have same perimeters but I left the purigen in so nitrates are 0.

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It is the waste material that accumulated after you removed the Purigen.


I have a couple of tanks, I purposely pump up the NO3 to 50ppm by leveraging Revive Growth (I'm doing testing) and the shrimps are still happily living inside. I'm intrigued by this and have been spending a lot of time these days to find out why NO3 introduced by Revive Growth does not kill shrimp but KNO3 and Urea do.


For your problem, I will suggest to put back the Purigen and perform the water restart according to this article: http://www.shrimpydaddy.com/pages/water-restarting-procedure

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I added purigen but the TB are still dying, only have two left :( guess I need to do water restart. I wish I had just left the purigen in, all tbs were heathy until I took it out.

And my other tank set up in the same way and same time is doing great, only difference is I left purigen in.

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I added purigen but the TB are still dying, only have two left :( guess I need to do water restart. I wish I had just left the purigen in, all tbs were heathy until I took it out.

And my other tank set up in the same way and same time is doing great, only difference is I left purigen in.


Sorry to hear that. :(

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Bind = React, not equal to lower. The NO3 is still there and will be release back after sometime. Here is their marketing message: http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/Prime.html

It used "detoxified".

The only way to reduce/ lower NO3 is to oxidize, reduce or breaking the compound through bacteria or consumption.

Since NO3 can't be oxidized further and if you reduce it will become NO2, which is worse, then will only can rely on microbial or plant to consume them.

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Forgot to mention this.

Although Prime is a very good dechlorination product, it's active ingredient has to be handled with care.

Any dechlorinator that smells like rotten egg uses sulphur dioxide as an active ingredient. Sulphur dioxide is very effective in reducing chlorine and chloramine to become chloride.

Sulphur dioxide is a very effective anti-fungi and anti-mould agent. Hence at high level, it will kill shrimp and microbial too.

As such, I will strongly discourage to dose Prime directly into the shrimp tank. If you are using tap water and is treating with Prime or any dechlorinator that uses same active ingredient, it is better to prepare the water over night and gas off the sulphur dioxide first. ;)

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Forgot to mention this.

Although Prime is a very good dechlorination product, it's active ingredient has to be handled with care.

Any dechlorinator that smells like rotten egg uses sulphur dioxide as an active ingredient. Sulphur dioxide is very effective in reducing chlorine and chloramine to become chloride.

Sulphur dioxide is a very effective anti-fungi and anti-mould agent. Hence at high level, it will kill shrimp and microbial too.

As such, I will strongly discourage to dose Prime directly into the shrimp tank. If you are using tap water and is treating with Prime or any dechlorinator that uses same active ingredient, it is better to prepare the water over night and gas off the sulphur dioxide first. ;)

I didnt know this about prime.

There is another product , that tells its shrimp safe.

I use this one...


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