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Very Small RO units?


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Wondering if anyone has experience with super small RO units?

My curiosity was piqued by this one:


Total newbie to what's involved in RO, and how to judge a good system. I'm likely never going to have a ton of tanks, and my tap water is doing fine right now, but I'd love the comfort and flexibility of RO... IF the price and size were right!

Anyone with only an early case of "MTS" :), or nano focus, or just using at an office, etc. etc. who has found a good mini RO unit?

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Thats a decent one....my buddy has it (or one really similar) to run a 45g reefs wc and top off. Takes some pre planning to have all the water you want filtered when u want it (because of the slow flow rate)

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+1 with soothing. i got this one and it is small and great. it fits in one side of my kitchen sink. the way its connected it can move around to lay flat or more like a pyramid. when laid flat its 10 inches wide and max 15 inches long. i didnt get a good measurement just kinda held up a tape measure without moving hoses to get a good one. i keep it and my python in a small steralite box under the kitchen sink. and it weighs no more than 5 lbs if that.



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i can run about 2.5 gal in like an hour. and i use wast water to fill the dog water and water plants with. i only have a 5 gal tank to use it on right now but its a 100 gpd unit and works well. i went ahead and got this so when i need to change the membrain i can



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Yea, pure water club is awesome. Honestly all RO systems are the same they all are exactly the same filters lol.


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That little plastic wrench is a life saver.  Makes life soooooo much easier!

i can run about 2.5 gal in like an hour. and i use wast water to fill the dog water and water plants with. i only have a 5 gal tank to use it on right now but its a 100 gpd unit and works well. i went ahead and got this so when i need to change the membrain i can



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Any links to a cheap good ro untin and an adapter:)

Pure water club can get a RO DI for,like 90 bucks. They sell those adapters at,Lowe's for 3$. The units come with a lot of different adapters.


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GPD means gallons per day in an optimal setting.  If you have lower water pressure, the longer it takes to fill and the more TDS can creep in.


My water pressure absolutely sucks.  It's so low it takes around 3-4 hours to fill a 5 gallon bucket from RO.  But I'll take my RO TDS of 15-30 over the 400-600+ TDS of my tap anytime.


As said, if you have good+ water pressure, your TDS will be closer to 0.

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Wat do you need to look for with these. I'm new to them but it would be easier than lugging 5g buckets to luckys lol

A 100 gpd is the best,option. Mine takes an 1 15min to fill 5g. Depends on a lot of things how quick it is. Just look for a 5 stage and you'll be apright


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Are there different "types" of filtering in 5-stage vs 3-stage? Or is it just the number of passes of the same type it goes through?

ETA oh, just found the references to sediment filtration, carbon, the RO membrane, and the deionizing filter... And I guess the fifth is carbon again?

Also, are the "lifespans" they list for each part time-dependent degradation, or does it depend on how much water you actually push through each filter/membrane? Low use = I replace less often?

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Are there different "types" of filtering in 5-stage vs 3-stage? Or is it just the number of passes of the same type it goes through?

ETA oh, just found the references to sediment filtration, carbon, the RO membrane, and the deionizing filter... And I guess the fifth is carbon again?

Also, are the "lifespans" they list for each part time-dependent degradation, or does it depend on how much water you actually push through each filter/membrane? Low use = I replace less often?

Lifespan is depend on what are the elements contain in the water that need to filter out.

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GPD means gallons per day in an optimal setting. If you have lower water pressure, the longer it takes to fill and the more TDS can creep in.

My water pressure absolutely sucks. It's so low it takes around 3-4 hours to fill a 5 gallon bucket from RO. But I'll take my RO TDS of 15-30 over the 400-600+ TDS of my tap anytime.

As said, if you have good+ water pressure, your TDS will be closer to 0.

Have you ever thought of using a booster pump? My buddy tried one and said it helped a ton. I'm still researching them, I want to be able to do a 55g drum full all the time for discus water changes. Filtering waste water for yard work.


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Thought about it, but don't think I'll do it.  My understanding is that I need a tank for the water, then booster pump, then ro unit.  So basically I would need a tank before my ro holding tank.  I use a 55g Brute trash container as is.  I just let the water run for as long as I need to.  Then do most changes on the weekends.

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