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shrimp fungus? how to treat?

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It's actually a protozoal parasite, not a fungus. I think the only effective treatment anyone has found so far has been putting the affected shrimp in dark isolation for ~2 weeks, but not that many have tried it.


I had two shrimp with it and tried various doses of Paraguard for weeks. They died before the parasites did. :(

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thanks for the input guys? I have them isolated in a quarantine tank with just an air stone running... on day 2 on paraguard treatment... slowly acclimatized them to the full strength paraguard... how long can i continue paraguard treatment? Will cover the tank to keep it in the dark... will see how it goes... these infected shrimp were from a breeder in taiwan... kinda sucks when you think getting shrimp from the shrimp mecca itself would give you better quality shrimp....


if things dont improve i guess its the best to just take them to shrimp heaven eh?

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