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GlasGarten Bacter AE?

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Hey guys,


I am curious about the GlassGarten Bacter AE product. I have seen/read that a lot of people on here use it. As far as I understand, its main use is to increase the production of biofilm in the tank right?


I was looking at the ingredient list and trying to compare it to something I already have (this product that I was adding to some homemade food). Do you think that this could be used in its place? 


Also, I would love for someone to sell me on why I should use it in the first place. Uses/benefits, etc would be awesome.



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Following this thread. :-)


If no one knows if what I already have is usable, I might just try dosing it in the tank I set up a couple days ago to see the results. 


Experimenting is fun and I'd feel safer doing it on a new tank then established.

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No idea about the comparing, sadly.

However, I can tell you first hand that Bacter promotes huge biofilm growth. I recently finished a few tanks with and without to do this test, I'll use Bacter in every tank from now on. I had huge blobs on everything, and my shrimp went bananas. They feasted for weeks.

I'll check my pics to see if I can show you.

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I'd love to see pics of what dosing Bacter AE looks like for you guys. Bacter AE was one of the very first shrimp products I bought but I've never noticed any visible biofilm from using it. Aside from the little specks that land everywhere. The way everyone else describes it, I expected a slimy looking substance on surfaces.

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Sadly I didn't catch the slime it seems, or at least not on this camera =( I'll be starting another tank next week, and will make sure to document the growth with photos.

Using Bacter while cycling the tank, I had the clearish slime on just about every surface, which the shrimp LOVED once they were added. I did see that it seemed to work better in the higher cycling temps, but I can't say for sure without further testing.

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