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Vampire Shrimp Parameters


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Hey there! I was wondering if anyone here has successfully kept happy and healthy vampire shrimp? If so, what were your tank parameters? I'm finding a lot of conflicting information about them elsewhere online, so I figured I'd ask the shrimpsperts.


I'm planning a tank specifically for giant rabbit snails, and I'm trying to figure out potential tank mates that would do well at ~81F and ~8 pH. Since I'm also in love with those goofy chubby shrimp, I'll be ecstatic if I could have one with the rabbits. If not, I'm also open to suggestions! Just no expensive sulawesis for the time being. 


I'd definitely let the tank establish itself for quite some time before adding any filter feeders. 

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No idea on the vampires (they are notoriously difficult to feed in captivity, is my understanding), but I suggest looking into malawa shrimp. They also hail from Sulawesi, they don't mind the higher temperature, and they seem to be quite adaptable to many different water parameters.

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