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Fuction of Purigen in shrimp tanks?


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Ive seen a few people mention purigen around here.


Im newish to shrimp keeping, and have previously only used purigen to control tannins in my planted fishtanks with driftwood.


What is the function of purigen in a shrimp tank?  I have it, should I be using it?

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what ryeguy said. it is awesome. once i changed there was no looking back for me thats for sure. when i tested my tanks with purigen in them my nitrates were around 5ppm ish. but the non-purigen filtered tanks had crept up to 20+ .

if im not mistaken i think it is also meant to help prevent/reduce any potential ammonia spikes which might mean that im the event of overfeeding or some death/accident then your ladies may hang onto her berries instead of dropping them!

love n peace



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