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Looks like I have a leaking tank...

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One of my ten gallons appears to be leaking.  I am getting some water that is coming from underneath the tank.  Of course it had to be my tank that is currently holding my Brown Camo Sulawesi Shrimp.  I think I will drain the tank into the one next to it (housing my Celestial Pearl Danios) and move the shrimp over.  The Danios will probably have to go back to my display tank since I don't really have a good place to put them.  I was hoping it would stop on its own but after 24 hours or so it hasn't so I better take care of it before it decides to completely fail on me.

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at least it is only a 10gal and in my basement.  It is a very slow leak too so I have lost maybe a cup of water in the last 24hours or so.

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If you have the room like in a garage, etc , It is a good idea to have an extra tank stored .  I keep an extra 20 gallon in a garage closet which I got at one of those chain pet stores for a $1 a gallon .

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Make sure you drip the water back in! You should be good if your using the same exact water, if you add any though make sure you drip it in. I always seem to kill them if I dont no matter how close the parameters are. Now I am paranoid and just drip everything in, nothing like watching 12$ shrimp die almost immediatly.

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I got the tanks swapped out. 


  1. I sucked most the water out into a 5 gal bucket
  2. caught all the shrimp I could find
  3. moved the leaking tank off the shelf
  4. moved the new one onto the shelf
  5. moved filter from old tank to new tank
  6. scooped out about half the rocks from the old tank and put them into the new one
  7. dumped the 5 gal bucket of water back in the new tank
  8. added another 3-4 gal of new water from my holding barrel
  9. turned heater back on
  10. dumped shrimp back in.

When I looked in there this morning they are happily picking around so hopefully it didn't do any damage.  So far it looks like I also got the right tank.  I never did see the leak and it could have been the tank next to it but since I swapped it out I don't seem to have anymore water showing up so I think it was the leaking one.

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ya otherwise my tank of cardinal shrimp was going to get the same treatment!

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