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Duff's hopeful climb from the bottom


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So I got back today and another BB was dead :/ there have been a couple I've noticed that their shells seemed kinda "transparent". Not entirely see through tho. Those were the two that most recently died. I'll keep an eye on the tank but nothing seems out of the ordinary.

Also incase anyone is wondering. This is the tank that the moss is in.


I need to Trim back this tank so much


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:( another BB dead today. Idk what's going on but it's disheartening.

Did a couple tests:

GH: 5-6

TDS: 115

PH: 6 or below

Temp: 72

Wastes should be zero but I won't know until I test them tomorrow.

Everything should be right. Idk why they are dying. My water is starting to get cloudy too. After I test my water tomorrow I do need to clean my sponge filters, but that shouldn't be causing deaths.

Ugh!!! Any ideas??

If my tank "explodes" again I will restart 100% one more time. Do a simple set up. I'm still holding in for now but god TBs hate me.


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Are you keeping those fish with your TB?

I am not. The fish in that moss jungle is a seperate tank. I intend it to be for culls, if that ever happens. The TBs are in a seperate tank all by themselves.

Also I just tested my wastes and all three are 0. Didn't see anything dead this morning but I'll see when I get back.


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They are called sporophytes. They're full of moss spores. You see them on mosses outside all the time, but I've never actually seen it on a submersed plant. Very cool.

Since you knew about the spores on my Java moss. Thank you by the way :). I found some more fun stuff in the same tank and I'm hoping you will know what it is :D

This time they're on my Java Fern.




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Go to your sink and clean off those little warts. Rinse off the plants really well before putting them back in. They can take over the plant. Some Parasitic growth that hits Java ferns hard if unchecked.

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Go to your sink and clean off those little warts. Rinse off the plants really well before putting them back in. They can take over the plant. Some Parasitic growth that hits Java ferns hard if unchecked.

Hmm interesting. Well shoot lol


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Nope. That's what I thought at first, until it took over my fork/rooster tail. Wants it takes over the roots you pretty much got to throw it away. I like ferns but have been hesitant from picking up more variations. because there isn't a remedy or cure to the issue. I've notice it can hit all the variations I have. Cristata, Thor's hammer, rooster tail, narrow k. Definitely happens with submersed growth not sure if better with emerged growth.

The plant let growth has roots and small leaves these grow like warts and bumps.

Tpt had a couple of threads regarding issue. Manual removal is the only way to control issue. Let know if you find a shrimp safe cure.

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