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My first tank


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Hello shrimpkeepers :D My name is João Neves, but you can just call me neves.


I'm making this journal to share my beginning experience in the shrimp hobby, which is also my first experience in aquarism, and to know your toughts and opinions on my aproach to the hobby. I'm only 17 years old and since im paying for everything since the hobby is mine, not my parents hobby, some choices may be sub-optimal because of my budget.


So i wanted a small tank as i didn't have much space , so i purchased a 20L tank.

Since i wasn't very aware of proper shrimp tank setups i made some not so effective choises in my set up so here it goes :

20 L tank

Plant growth substrate from tropica with a layer of neutral black soil on top;

A piece of spiderwood;

Java moss;

Echinodorus tenellus green;

Some small rocks;

A hang on filter from blau that came with the tank ;

And a 15W nano nature heater from blau.


   So i set up the tank, waited for it to be cycled and ordered 10 TB mischlings from Shrimp-Visions, 7 arrived dead, in a water with gh 20!

Aclimated them to the tank, in about a week only 1 shrimplet(yes, they did a 5 day trip from germany to portugal AS SHRIMPLETS, about 5mm) survived.Remember this shrimplet, he is a funny case to look at.

   Then i decided to try again with 10 more mischlings from a local breeder here in portugal, they arrived in perfect condition, aclimated them, but for what i think is the GH being too high for bee shrimps (gh 7 from the tap water that im using) they died at a slow rate during a month. 

   I decided to take some weeks of and think on how to come up with a solution to this problem.

   I cleaned my filter really well(better than most of the times eheh) , scrubed a little bit of the spider wood since it was breaking a little bit and giving the water a tea like colour and continued with my regular water changes.

   Next tuesday 10 more shrimps will arrive from the local breeder i mentioned and hopefully this time i can set up a good colony.


   My parameter are ph 6.4, kh 1 , and gh 7


   Oh and by the way, the shrimplet from germany which arrived in a awfull condition...is still alive and healty :D


   All toughts and opinions are welcome, have a wonderfull day :D



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Can't wait! I have a couple of questions and comments, how long has this tank been set up? If your shrimp are coming in a week and your tank has just been set up, that is going to be bad. Also cleaning your filter might not have been a good idea as the benficial bacteria is going to disappear. Also the tea color in your water from your wood is fine, it's natural and not harmful. Also have your tried neos before jumping into the hobby? I would reccomend trying neos and breeding them and see if you can get a RO unit. Also is there a way for you to lower your Gh to around 4-5? 7 is a little high for them. But overall I'm excited to see

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Can't wait! I have a couple of questions and comments, how long has this tank been set up? If your shrimp are coming in a week and your tank has just been set up, that is going to be bad. Also cleaning your filter might not have been a good idea as the benficial bacteria is going to disappear. Also the tea color in your water from your wood is fine, it's natural and not harmful. Also have your tried neos before jumping into the hobby? I would reccomend trying neos and breeding them and see if you can get a RO unit. Also is there a way for you to lower your Gh to around 4-5? 7 is a little high for them. But overall I'm excited to see

Hello Jay :D no, the shrimp didn't entered the tank until it was cycled, which was about 1month and 2 weeks (being the end of the cycle in setember) , tanks with less than 30L are really slow on getting the parameters stable therefor the cycle is kinda slow.

Cleaning the filter basicaly was taking out some waste that got stuck at the bottom of the filter due to tanins, the sponges are really well populated with bacteria for what i understand since i have 0 amonia and 0 nitrites.

For neos...meh...they dont really make me nearly as much excited as caridinas  do.

About that RO unit i will get one but i cant afford one now so i will hope this shrimps can create a colony so i can sell some to help me buy it :P

As lowering the gh goes , ppl said that i should gradualy put some RO/Distilled water in the tank until i get the desired parameters but im really afraid to loose the little shrimp i have

Have a nice day :D

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Hello shrimpkeepers :D

So the shrimps arrived today and looking preety good like the last order i did, even got a little plant as a gift :P


Two are not in the picture but they were 12 shrimps

Added them to the tank and they are really active, dont know if they are stressed or just doing fine.

Im gonna keep the post updated on further shrimp developments :D 

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Just talked to the breeder, one of the shrimps with a odd patern is actually a spotted head pinto mischling he offered me as a gift, and also sent a red wine by mistake instead of a mischling, he said its ok and i could keep it he he he he, so currently i have 10 mischlings, 1spotted head pinto mischling and 1 Tb red wine :D

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Properly acclimated shrimp should land after putting them In and just eat where they are. Any swimming around I see as stress. I always drip for 2-4 hours depending on how different the water is. Hopefully you have some luck since tap water is very unpredictable.

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Probably someone has the perfect tap water :P but im not that lucky guy, im gonna buy distilled water and put a little bit, next water change, to lower the gh, meanwhile anyone can tell me some food/vegie to give shrimps to help them molt? im preety sure the one who died was the one that molted .

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Yes i think it is good, but what i meant is i think they die in my tank due to getting weaker after molting, ive read that high gh like mine dificults the absortion of minerals during the molting process so yeah im gonna put distilled to make the gh optimal and see what happens :D

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Well today i made a water change, and intorduced distilled water with tetra aquasafe to the tank, gonna check the gh tomorrow and see if i can make it a stable 4/5 gh  for them to not have molt problems.

Have a nice day people

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