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Aggressive shrimp

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I have one fire red male left in my malaya tank and he is pretty aggressive to my cards.


He steals food from them, guards food, attacks them, chases them from specific spots, and generally harasses them.


He is the only one who exhibits this behavior (and the only one I've ever seen).


is this normal behavior? 

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Good question, I would like to know about this too.

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Maybe. they are really timid.

Just wish I had another tank to put him in right now. Going to set up my neo tank soon though....

He's just too gorgeous to get rid of...

Just hope he doesn't stress them out too much.

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                    Ghost shrimp are aggressive . I have caught them in the area canals and found them aggressive .  I also find them harder to keep than most fancy freshwater shrimp .

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                    Ghost shrimp are aggressive . I have caught them in the area canals and found them aggressive .  I also find them harder to keep than most fancy freshwater shrimp .

The ghost shrimp I purchased from Petco (25) , none were agressive. I've even had 5 babies that lived for about 5 days until I cleared the tank out for my celestial pearl danios.

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I am surprised the one's I have caught in canals are very aggressive compared to these fancier shrimps.


The shrimps found in canals which have bred there for generations are redder than the lake shrimp which are the one's you find in the pet store but same exact shrimp . Just happens that they eat something in the canal which gives them red hue , they lose it after a couple of months


I had them even attack endlers livebearer males and after catching them , a few threatened me (lol kidding) .


I have never seen the pet store type but heard same Florida ghost shrimp , harvested by the lakes .

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Around here they are found in every lake , ponds and the old sandbag wall canals (not the newer cement wall canals) .  They prefer grass , weed areas which is why we call them grass shrimp .


The commercial places that sell to pet stores catch them right outside the Everglades or the Indian reservations which are full of high grass marsh's . You catch them with a regular net by skimming the high grass or any area that there are weeds, etc .


They prefer slow moving water and fairly shallow .


Years ago I used to catch them before fishing because other than earthworms , they are one of the best bait .

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