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Starting a Yellow Neo Tank


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I posted this yesterday, but realised my information was wrong, so I am reposting here:


So I went to the LFS yesterday to test my tap water parameters before I buy anything to start my first shrimp tank. I am going to have yellow neos. I don't have the tank or anything yet. The parameters were:


PH: 6.2

GH: between 50 and 75

KH: 0


The lady said the only thing to get rid of was the Chlorine. So what should I do from here? Do I need an RO/DI machine? Do I need a certain substrate? The PH is already super low! I’m not sure what to do now that I have these parameters. Help!

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Many people use tap water for neos. You are right, you will need to declorinate if your water is chlorinated. Some people find that their tap water doesn't "work" and their neos don't do well. They may never know why as water is much more complex than what we test for.

As for substrate, you will find some use gravel, some use sand, or any inert substrate. I personally prefer black sand for yellow neos, but that is just a personal preference.

As for pH, others will have better info than me as I don't do that part of things.

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I posted this yesterday, but realised my information was wrong, so I am reposting here:


So I went to the LFS yesterday to test my tap water parameters before I buy anything to start my first shrimp tank. I am going to have yellow neos. I don't have the tank or anything yet. The parameters were:


PH: 6.2

GH: between 50 and 75

KH: 0


The lady said the only thing to get rid of was the Chlorine. So what should I do from here? Do I need an RO/DI machine? Do I need a certain substrate? The PH is already super low! I’m not sure what to do now that I have these parameters. Help!



I use tap water but like everyone here has stated I also de-chlorinate it before adding it .


The tap water here is good but PH is high yet they thrive and breed .


I use either regular pea size  river gravel in my tanks as they are planted or do not use substrate at all but I use few pieces of driftwood with Java ferns, moss tied to them which took off on their own .


Bottom of those tanks are painted black on the outside .

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You can get SS GH/KH+ to remineralize your water and will increase pH due to KH increase

Awesome. I was hoping that would work!



gh ~3-5

Thanks for clarifying. I feel better already!


I use tap water but like everyone here has stated I also de-chlorinate it before adding it .

I bought Prime today. Will that be good enough? Guess I need a TDS tester too, now that I think about it . . .

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I know I asked you before but did you cycled the tank? Or you just filled the tank with your tap water and did testings?


I'm not good with chemistry but I'm pretty much sure your data may change after cycling, adding substrate, plants, etc. And your tank must be cycled before you add something alive (fish/shrimp) in there.

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