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Rocking the boat


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Wow I didn't know so many people got banned over there including bostoneric and Hans...

That's really what jumpstarted this forum!
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My goodness. That really sounds nuts. What is wrong with the people running that site? People need to seriously relax and stop power tripping!

I actually think no one is running the site, all the contacts are filtered through the mods before they get to "whoever" in Canada gets the money. I don't think they really care and probably just cash the checks. It's big enough that the mods usually take care of it, or ban enough people to make others comply with the "rules". Agree there should always be rules, but common sense should be used.

Most "key board warriors" are quick to lash out and pass judgement. You see them in person probably couldn't say hello to you. But that's just what I think sometimes about thier mods.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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