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Fungus Among Us (It's Alive!)


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Has anyone else seen this in their tanks? Apparently it's beginning to show up in more and more peoples tanks lately. I've found it in a couple of mine.  Apparently it's harmless and easy to remove. It's a type of fungus which feeds on bacteria. Here's a good description of what  it is





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4 hours ago, TheEmptyThrone said:

i had some on the back wall of my tank, in a spider web shape, looked like slime mold to me.

scraped it off and haven't seen it since

It actually is a type of slime mold!

I didn't realize there were fully aquatic species. Does it move like one?

I've always wanted to participate in a slime mold race. They're really neat. :3

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It actually is a type of slime mold!

I didn't realize there were fully aquatic species. Does it move like one?

I first heard that it can move today. Learned something new.lol! I took a pic of it and will check back to see if it moves. I like the videos. That's some cool science stuff!

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yeah, it moved, it was weird, you could see the main feeding paths and the the ones it had tried out.The center of it (where the rest all seemed to branch out of) would move 5 or 6 inches a day. I like slime molds, and it didn't seem to bother my shrimp, but they do make a tank look ugly, so I scraped it into my filter. Where, hopefully its still doing its thing, just out of sight.

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