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selective breeding project suggestions?

Soothing Shrimp

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Any suggestions for possible selective fish breeding for color?


Not guppies, swordtails, mollies, etc.  Too common.  I'd never get rid of the culls.  I'd have to buy bigger fish just to eat them. heh


Here's some criteria:



Easy to breed

Prefer non fry eaters, but not mandatory

Very colorful

Can distinguish between males and females


Just trying to increase my chances of focusing on selecting and not how to breed or care.


So far I'm thinking of F. gardneri, but I've never done eggs.  Are they hard?  The way I'm thinking, the more fry, the faster the selective breeding.

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kinda leaves you with egg layers.  the prob with them is you almost always have to pull eggs so they are not eaten. then you have to mess with meth blue so eggs dont fungus and water change about the time they go free swimming. 


KRIBS!!!! they would be great for you to try. they are egg layers. come in several colors/tail apperns and even have albinos. most will raise the eggs with out worring about eating 


live bearers will grow and color up faster than most egg layers. egg layers imo are more work and take more time. guppys can grow fast and start coloring up in a couple weeks. heck when i had angels they didnt even start looking like angels for about 3-4 months.

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also most of the time egg layers have a tendency to eat the young. its just a big fish eat small fish thing and most egg layers you pull eggs due to fungus issues and or parents eating the eggs or free swimming.  you might try killie fish i know there are alot of colors and types out there just not sure what ones will cross. no mater what though it takes time to get to the final colors. sexual maturity is most of the time when the best colors show for selective breeding of any fish 

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kinda leaves you with egg layers. the prob with them is you almost always have to pull eggs so they are not eaten. then you have to mess with meth blue so eggs dont fungus and water change about the time they go free swimming.

KRIBS!!!! they would be great for you to try. they are egg layers. come in several colors/tail apperns and even have albinos. most will raise the eggs with out worring about eating

live bearers will grow and color up faster than most egg layers. egg layers imo are more work and take more time. guppys can grow fast and start coloring up in a couple weeks. heck when i had angels they didnt even start looking like angels for about 3-4 months.

Kribs are nice they have tons of fry!


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Just a caution, kribs can be SO prolific that you may be back to the problem of having a hard time getting people who want the culls. I know of two people who spent forever trying to offload their juvenile kribs. One guy gave them away for free and was still trying to shove them on anyone with a fish tank. I was like, dude, I don't want an infinite number of fish, please count me out.

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Just a caution, kribs can be SO prolific that you may be back to the problem of having a hard time getting people who want the culls. I know of two people who spent forever trying to offload their juvenile kribs. One guy gave them away for free and was still trying to shove them on anyone with a fish tank. I was like, dude, I don't want an infinite number of fish, please count me out.

have a buddy like that to, He has 200-300 once a week to get ride of. Ends up as feeder fisg lol


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So now I'm looking at N.guentheri.  Annuals, quick grow and breed.  And they don't live for years and years so I don't know what to do with them if I decide to go a different direction.  Never tried eggs, and never tried the dry out process, but kinda cool that you can add water and have fish.


Go from fry to mature colors in around 5 weeks.


Any ideas in what direction to go with selective breeding on these?  I know what direction I'm thinking, but always good to hear other people's opinions.


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