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Best shrimp Food and Remineralizers?

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I know there are probably a ton of similar threads already out there, but I just wanted to ask again real quick before placing orders. Just want to get more up-to-date recommendations in case there are new and improved products on the market that old threads didn't cover.


Currently have Neos and Tigers. Going to be buying some soft acidic water Caridinas (BB or wide variety of mixed gene pool), and maybe even possibly set up a Sulawesi tank. Setting up additional Neo and Tiger tanks as well.
So I am looking to just buy a bunch of items I may need/could use for all of the different shrimp.

I already have a R/O unit.
What are some must-have shrimp foods to add to the food hamper.

For remineralizers, I am looking to cover all the bases, Neo/Tiger, Bee/Crystal and Sulawesi. Are liquid remins cost efficient?


I do planted tanks so I already have dry fertilizers. Could I just use those for re/mineralizing the water? Or do shrimp marketed remin products contain other necessary minerals that shrimp need? 

Feel free to mention anything else I should buy (I do have the basics covered)

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I have been using mainly BorneoWild for the value and good reviews from others. Haven't been doing it long enough to be able to attribute results, but overall things are going well. I'm using Shield, Bebi, Barley, Color.

I like the Salty Shrimp gH/kH+ because it took the calculation work out of remineralizing exact components. I find the ratio of gH to kH is about 4:1 and not 5:1 as the container states in case that matters, otherwise SS also makes gH+ only which many people here use.

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I use SL-AQUA Blue Wizard for remineralizing my water.  They also have Red Wizard for neos and Tiger, but I use Blue for my Neos, TB and Crystals.  I like that being a liquid it dissolves pretty much instantly so you don't need to mix and wait.

There are a lot of foods out there.  I like to mix it up with naturals like Mulberry, Amaranth, kale.  Prepared:  MK Breed Red, SL-Aqua veg, meat, white.  I use snowflake in between.

I have heard really good things about CSF Omnia Pro and Pure Mineral which I plan on trying.

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Thanks for the info!

Happen to know if the liquid remineralizers are cost efficient? (I am treating a fair amount of water so cost does add up)

From fertilizers I know liquids usually cost more and treat less gallons, where as powders usually cost less, and treat more gallons (more concentrated/not diluted, but do require a tiny bit more work to use). I haven't researched/compared any of them yet to find out.

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Ultimately it depends on how much water you plan on remineralizing. If it isn't alot, I would certainly go with a liquid remineralizer like Lowkeys or MK-Breed Blue Diamond. Honestly I have to say I have used the same MK-Breed liquid remineralizer since the end of 2014.

Food, well we could go on and on about shrimp food, but what are you most interested in? Best ingredients, limited ingredients, not messy, etc?

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38 minutes ago, DETAquarium said:

Food, well we could go on and on about shrimp food, but what are you most interested in? Best ingredients, limited ingredients, not messy, etc?

Guess I would have to say best ingredients.

I know there is a ton of different shrimp foods out there, but was hoping there was collective knowledge on what foods seemed to have shrimp in their best health (best colors, activity levels, immune system health, breeding rates, offspring survival rates)

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I thought it would come down to scientific nutritional value of foods, to judge what is best.

I'm more of a fish guy, just getting into shrimp, but pretty much the best fish foods were Northfin and New Life Spectrum, and I could narrow it down to particular best formula based on the ingredients. Surely ingredients and percentages would judge what food is best for shrimp as well? Though I don't know much about shrimp nutritional requirements/needs. Microorganisms and algae I would factor separately and try to always have those naturally available in the tank.


I do know even the cheapest foods, packed with fillers and other low nutritional value ingredients, with harmful preservatives, fish will still eat greedily, sometimes even more readily than higher quality foods, but that doesn't mean it's actually good for them (a lot actually do use enticers, which may explain why it's eaten). I guess you could equate it to junk food that tastes good, but is actually bad for you and poor nutrition.


Was hoping someone who understands ingredients and shrimp's nutritional requirements would be able to identify what foods should actually be considered "premium".

No offence to anyone, but there are sooo many shrimp foods out there. There must be some food that is top of the line, not just claiming to be.

Don't mean to sound like a bad guy just because I question things, like to research/know and don't just blindly buy into things. Every market tries to take advantage of the customers who don't know any better. Lot of shrimp foods seem like a rip off as it is. I could buy 10x the amount/weight of fish food for 1/10th the amount of shrimp food (not an exact comparison, but you get what I mean, overpriced. And yes I do take into account the price of ingredients). I guess just because shrimp consume only a little so that small amount lasts as long as larger amounts of fish food, that's ok? Pretty sure even the remineralizers are overpriced for what they are. I mean you could buy powdered calcium, magnesium and carbonate sources and treat a ton more water for the same price. Those "extras" they say the remins contain I doubt are necessary, after all, we just need to get the GH, KH and TDS right, right? Those "extras" are likely obtained through diet anyways.

I don't mean to sound like a bad guy, maybe it's only me that feels like a lot of this is just taking advantage of people. Just calling it like I see it.

Anyways, rant over.


My ears are still open to recommendations. I'm still willing to consider using these products despite how I feel about them (if the shrimp like it!).

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Hahaha. No offense taken by anyone, we are happy to hear opinions, it helps all of us. 


For Neos I used to feed EBITA Breed and CSF brand of foods with much success. Currently I feed Lowkeys and CSF for my Caridina shrimp. If you are shooting for ingredients I would have to say CSF is very open and provides interesting facts about why they use what they use. Lowkeys has optimal ingredients but unfortunately keeps much of it a secret.

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DISCLAIMER: I sell Shrimp natures line of products in the USA.

I believe Shrimp nature has the highest quality, all natural ingredient list for their products.  Each product states what is in the container ingredient wise, and some of the high quality ingredients included are Nannochloropsis, Moringa, Kale, Sea Algae, Chitin, Chlorella, Nettle, Chitosin, Beta Glucan,  etc.  No binders or fillers.  The price is reasonable and container sizes are decent.

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