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Massive Deaths After Feeding!!? :O


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I'm not sure what I should do, but I feed my shrimp today turned out the lights this morning. I turned the lights back on to my horror. 80% of shrimp in one of my tanks dead. 2-10 in my other tanks dead. I'm not sure what's going on.I'm saddened because my tanks just started booming. It's like they were forced to molt. The one tank that has the most deaths I got out as many as I could and grabbed some water from another tank just to keep as many alive as I can I'm draining the tank and just going to refill with fresh water. Not sure if something got on the food. 

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CSF Mulberry I have feed them this before. But it's been a while. I mainly feed the Omnia Pro, Baby Pro, and Snowflake. Lost most all of my Crystals and a lot of my Blue Pearls. Lost 2-5 Yellows. Doesn't look like the Carbons and Cherries were affected much looks like 1-2. Lost probably 10-15 juvies Blue Rilis. 

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Sorry to hear.

Any idea what may have caused it?

Used any aerosol sprays in the house? Anything near the food that could have dripped onto it? Hands had any chemicals/residue that may have gotten into the food or water?

Not using a filter, just plants for biological filtration, and when you fed with the lights off the plants weren't photosynthesizing, using up the generated ammonia from the decomposing food? Or simply fed too much and polluted the tank?

I assume the tank is filtered and no ammonia issues, but just thinking of possible reasons.

What makes you think they tried to molt? Did they have a separation on their back? 

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I saw the exoskeletons and the alive ones were flopping around like they were trying to molt. I'm not ruling out that something could have gotten in the food. I keep the food on the stand in a box. Yes all have sponge filters. Maybe I had something on my hands when I dropped the food in. I wish I had saw it before the massive death in my favorite tank. 

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Thank you. Very saddening hopefully the ones that are alive can bounce back. Currently filling up the tank with the most loses. Not sure how long I should wait to add them back. Upset about the crystals the most finally got them breeding and I lose them. If the survivors don't make it in that tank I'm not sure what I will do with the tank.

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2 minutes ago, fishcrazy said:

Thank you. Very saddening hopefully the ones that are alive can bounce back. Currently filling up the tank with the most loses. Not sure how long I should wait to add them back. Upset about the crystals the most finally got them breeding and I lose them. If the survivors don't make it in that tank I'm not sure what I will do with the tank.

Be sure to wear gloves every time you touch stuff tank related!


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It's just really weird because I've been keeping shrimp for about 2 years now and never seen anything like that. I always use my hands but I'll be sure to be careful now. Hopefully no more die. 

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I am sorry to hear fishcrazy, I used CSF Mulberry for quite sometime with nothing but positive results. Any causes at this time?

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Thank you. I think something was on my hands and the tank I feed first was the most affected. I did an 90% water change on the tank and the ones I took out are doing fine. They seemed to have recovered. Although some are suffering loss of color. I'll see how they do in the next few days. I just siphoned the food out of the other tanks and no other deaths.  I have several CSF products and never had deaths. Most likely user error. I'm hoping they will recover. I did lose all my Crystals as they are more sensitive. 

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No I didn't. I remember I vacuumed the house before I feed my tanks. I now know don't touch the food. I will most likely try the pill box. I feed the tanks today and everyone was eating fine. I saw some that still have loss of color. The loss of color is towards the tail.

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19 hours ago, fishcrazy said:

No I didn't. I remember I vacuumed the house before I feed my tanks. I now know don't touch the food. I will most likely try the pill box. I feed the tanks today and everyone was eating fine. I saw some that still have loss of color. The loss of color is towards the tail.

Any sudden huge change in temperature? is there a heater in the tank? what is the temperature difference in your area between day and night hours?

Sounds like something triggered them to molt too early, the loss of color perhaps is the exoskeleton separating from the bottom layers. not 100% sure just thinking that the loss has nothing to do with feeding, although it's a good idea to use tiny spoon or other means for feeding the tank.

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No heater in the tank. I keep the tank at room temp. Some of them has gained their color back. There is still a few with the white or lighter tail areas. I don't know if it will correct once they molt.  I was trying to take a picture, but the tank and room is dark. There is a 20 degree difference probably between night and day. I don't turn on the heat or ac in the room. I'm still confused on what it could have been, unless it something airborne and I didn't know. I know someone killed a few of my fish on accident, before by spraying air fresher in the air.

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Wow...sorry to hear. I think most of us have experienced something like this at one time or another in this hobby.

Do folks really use gloves and spoons to feed the shrimp? I'm sorry but that sounds extreme. Unless your hands were dripping with some sort of chemical, I can't imagine you contaminating the leaves that badly.

The only time this happened to me in such rapid succession as you mentioned was when I purchased a bunch of plants directly from an aquatic plant farm. Shortly after I placed the plants in the tank, the shrimp went wild and displayed the same behavior you described. It turns out they were treated with some sort of copper based pesticide to kill off snails and other inverts like dragonfly larvae before being sold. Safe for fish but not inverts.

I also garden a bit and I know that the pesticide I use to spray apples and pears when they bud is also copper based. Did you add any new plants or spray anything around the house that could've gotten on your leaves? If not, maybe the leaves you fed were tainted....sounds improbable though since you said you've fed it before and I'm sure the manufacturer was careful selecting their leaves

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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My tanks are covered but this one have huge openings in the back where filters were because a couple of my tanks were fish tanks. I never thought of flea powder. I have a dog. I do sprinkle carpet fresh before a vaccum. Could that have gotten in the air?

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A friend here had problem  after using flea powder for the cats , in another room from the shrimps and he vacnum the beds of cat,

In past i lost 500+ shrimps from dog  spot on , it goes in my hand and my skin absorbent.

So if you put your hands inside the tanks, is something on you touch.

If not, there was something toxic in the air.

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Sorry to hear of your losses, one thing to keep in mind for any of the ladies whom have artificial nails I have heard they can be very dangerous in the tanks both freshwater and saltwater tanks can have issues with these nails. I always use a stick in my tank very seldom do I ever put my hands in and before I do if I have to I always wash well with just plain water and dry with paper towel.

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7 hours ago, fishcrazy said:

My tanks are covered but this one have huge openings in the back where filters were because a couple of my tanks were fish tanks. I never thought of flea powder. I have a dog. I do sprinkle carpet fresh before a vaccum. Could that have gotten in the air?

Probably from the vacuum cleaner exhaust. and if your shrimp tank have an air pump then it will inject the powder in the water.

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Yes, it does have an air pump. I'm seeing fewer white tails. I put a little Prime in and been putting in some Stability just in case the Bio was killed. 

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